
AJ Styles says ‘time’s running out really quick’ on his pro wrestling career



AJ Styles wasn’t wearing a blue suit during a recent interview with WrestleManiac UK, so I tend to believe what he had to say about how much time is left in his pro wrestling career:

“You know, my brain’s going, ‘We don’t have a lot of time left.’ My body’s going, ‘No, we can go.’ ‘No, we can’t.’ It’s an argument between my body and my brain on how much longer we can go, and I can tell you it won’t go much longer. Time’s running out really quick.”

It’s interesting that AJ’s brain is more willing to embrace retirement than his body, because I think it’s usually the other way around with aging wrestlers, where their brain wants to keep going but the body can’t hold up. That’s probably a good thing for Styles, in that he’s trying to get in front of retirement before his body can no longer withstand the rigors of the job.

The Phenomenal One just wrapped up a fake retirement angle with Cody Rhodes this month and he’s returning to Japan in July for a match against Pro Wrestling NOAH’s Naomichi Marufuji. Beyond that, it’s not clear how much time is left on AJ’s clock.

What else do you hope to see AJ Styles do in pro wrestling before he calls it a career? Let me know in the comments below, Cagesiders.

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