At last night’s NXT live event out of Daytona, Florida (results here) former NXT champion Aleister Black gave a speech following his victory over Dominik Dijakovic thanking the fans for their support, and calling NXT a family. Although not official, Black’s speech has many believing that his move to the main roster may be permanent.
What a crazy week this has been in my life, definitely one of the craziest, ever. What a crazy week. There’s always a few things that make me feel absolutely great, number one, obviously being a sports entertainer, a professional wrestler. Number two is coming home, right here in NXT. It doesn’t matter if you just came here today for the first time, this is a family right here. And believe me, I’m so, so proud I get to be a part of this family because this family. No matter where I go, after this…will always be my home. It truly is. If it weren’t for you guys, I wouldn’t be here. So, from this match to the first match I had in NXT, is all thanks to you.
Check out the full speech courtesty of @GetDaTables
Aleister Black says his goodbyes to the #WWENXT fans. #WWENXT
— Get The Tables (@GetDaTables) February 24, 2019