
Alexa Bliss Talks SmackDown Women’s Title, WWE Superstar In Hardees Commercial


– As noted, last night’s blue brand show saw RAW Superstar Alexa Bliss win a Triple Threat over Charlotte Flair and Carmella to become the new #1 contender to SmackDown Women’s Champion Bayley for a title match at the WWE Stomping Grounds pay-per-view. Below is backstage video of Bliss talking to the WWE reporter about the title shot. Bliss said she’s feeling good about the match and some of the SmackDown Superstars tried to give her a hard time about being on their show, but she will show them by taking the title back to RAW.

Bliss was asked how special it is to be going for the SmackDown Women’s Title as a RAW Superstar. She said, “I mean, it just goes to show that RAW is the A show. So, you can bring any Superstar from RAW, bring them to SmackDown and the show is immediately going to be better. I know I’m not on SmackDown, but that’s what the Wild Card Rule is for, right? To help this brand.”

Bliss was also asked if the title will ever come back to SmackDown, if she’s able to take it to RAW at Stomping Grounds. “As long as I’m holding the title? It stays wherever I go,” she said.

– WWE stock was up 0.79% today, closing at $73.68 per share. Today’s high was $74.84 and the low was $72.01.

– As seen below, The Miz is featured in another new “Save The Veggies” commercial from Hardees:

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