
Backstage Talk on What Happened with WWE Pushing EC3


Jon Moxley noted in his new “Talk Is Jericho” interview that WWE booking him to lose the quick RAW match over EC3 caused fans to turn against the then-newcomer. This led to fans booing EC3 at live events while they cheered the heel, Ambrose.

Moxley also noted that fans knew he was leaving WWE, thanks to their press release on the departure, and they could see right away that WWE was trying to bury him before he left, and they didn’t agree with it. Things may have looked promising for EC3 with that win, but he wasn’t used much on RAW after that, and he’s lost several matches on WWE Main Event and at live events since then.

Dave Meltzer noted on Wrestling Observer Radio that WWE gave up on EC3’s push as soon as they saw how fans reacted negatively to the win over Ambrose. Meltzer said that’s “100% what happened” with EC3’s push.

As noted on Wednesday night, EC3 apparently appreciated Moxley’s comments from the interview with Jericho as he tweeted a thank you message.

“Thank you. The feeling is mutual. Good luck,” EC3 wrote.

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