Source: Wrestling Observer Newsletter
– On the latest edition of The Wrestling Observer Newsletter didn’t exactly solve the mystery, it did eliminate some possible reasons. Many have wondered what caused Corbin’s halted push.
As noted, that Corbin’s losing at SummerSlam wasn’t because Cena refused to put him over. Corbin has also been criticized for his use of social media, but that wasn’t the problem, either.
“It also had nothing to do with Twitter, although the Twitter stuff did him no favors, particularly with a lot of the wrestlers because it’s considered bad form to go on a blocking spree of your fellow wrestlers,” Meltzer wrote. “It was an entirely different situation outside the ring that happened a few weeks ago that happened.”
What happened a few weeks ago has yet to be revealed. Corbin seems to be on his way to a rivalry with AJ Styles for the United States Championship. Styles is capable of having good matches with anyone on the WWE roster, so a program with him would likely help Corbin improve his standing within the company.