– Batista recently spoke with WWE’s website to promote the new James Bond “007: Spectre” movie. The full interview is at this link. Below are highlights:
WWE.COM: Did you find yourself [as Mr. Hinx] bringing in any of your old WWE mannerisms or influences into that mindset?
BATISTA: Not intentionally. I remember [Jim Ross] saying way back when I was in OVW, “Your face is where you make your money.” I always took that to heart and it was something I always worked on. I always had really good relationships with the WWE cameramen. I knew to make sure they’d find me and I’d find them, and they’d see the look on my face and that would tell a whole story. So, I think it was a talent I developed over the years, but I didn’t intentionally bring it. I think it was already there. I think it’s part of why I got the job.
WWE.COM: Changing speeds a little bit: where would we be more likely to see you with The Rock — on a movie set or in the ring at WrestleMania?
BATISTA: That’s a good question. I would take either opportunity. At this point, you’re more likely to see us in the ring together. If you flash back to WrestleMania XX, that would be the only time. I don’t have any plans right now to return to the ring or to do a film with Dwayne, but I would jump at the chance for either opportunity.
WWE.COM: Is that something that’s in the back of your mind, finding your way back into a WWE ring?
BATISTA: I miss it so much. What I really thought was so interesting is the way that Chris Jericho went back and did Live Events. Live Events are fun, man. It’s really just all about you and the audience. I always just loved that. I’m passionate about it. I’m proud to be a pro wrestler because I love it.