
Bayley On Sasha’s Reaction To Her Winning A World Title & More


Bayley was recently interviewed by TalkSport. During the interview, she discussed winning the world title, Sasha Banks’ response and more. Here are the highlights:

On Wishing Her Tag Title Run Had Turned Out Better:

I just wish they were more. And that was our goal, to try and bring them to life and everything and we didn’t really get a chance to do what we wanted with it. But, we thought the Iconics would have a chance and then they kind of didn’t.

So I just see so much potential in the tag titles and I still haven’t given up on them. If it’s Nikki Cross and Alexa Bliss who actually get time to grow the titles, then I’m happy with that. As long as they get out there and they’re represented how they should be, I’ll be happy.

On Sasha’s Reaction To Her Winning A World Title:

She’s always happy for me, whenever. She called me [that night]. We’re always happy for each other when anything great like that happens. You know, when she won her first title I wasn’t there. But we talk all the time and just like normal best friends in real-life, we’re happy when we see each other succeed.

On Which Up & Coming Wrestlers She’d Like To Face:

Candice LeRae, She’s definitely somebody I’d love to get in there with. Piper Niven from NXT UK is another. I loved her in the first Mae Young Classic. She was so cool, so good. And then… who else? I always say Dakota Kai as well, just because we’ve known each other for a long time but we’ve never actually been able to be in a ring together and I think that would be really cool.

But, Candice LeRae, for years, has been my number one pick and we still hope and pray that can happen one day.

On Her Reaction To Paul Heyman & Eric Bischoff Gaining Creative Power:

Paul Heyman you get more interaction with because he’s around backstage a little longer, he’s always back there with Brock. The first time I ever talked to him was, I think, after my match with Ronda Rousey. He loved it and he was talking about how good it was for the both of us and how different it was for the both of us. Since then we’ve had little chit-chats here and there, but nothing too serious.

And I actually just met Eric Bischoff the other week [laughs]. So we’ll see how that goes – kind of need to start building that relationship now!

You can read the full interview by clicking HERE.

Credit: TalkSport.

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