– Ronda Rousey made the media rounds with ESPN this week, which made for some awkward moments. During an interview with, Rousey said that she would likely be living in seclusion if she weren’t working for WWE.
“I could very happily be in some house in the mountains and never see anyone again, hang out with my goats and chickens,” Rousey said. “It would have to be something as great as the WWE to make me this happy, to pull me away. Otherwise, no one would hear from me. I would live in the woods and be happy. That’s all I really want.”
Rousey was also asked about her MMA career, and she implied that she had fallen out of love with the sport.
“In judo and MMA, there were times when the process was fun and the results were fun. And there’s a time when things run their course. You fall in love, you fall out of love and you find a new love,” Rousey said. “There was a while when I was just looking for an honorable way out [of the UFC]. I felt satisfied that I’d proven everything I need to prove, but I didn’t feel anybody else felt that way, and I wasn’t sure if the women’s division could survive without me. I felt obligated to do more than what I actually wanted to. But I also have no regrets, and I’m so happy I fulfilled those obligations. And I really feel the women’s division can hold their own.”
– I’m not sure if Big E is serious, but if he is, things worked out for the best. The four-time former Tag Team Champion took to Twitter to reveal his very first wrestling gimmick, which you can check out below:
Almost 9 years ago, when I got signed, my very first pitch was to be a wrestling postal worker named Mel Mann. Shockingly, it was shot down.
— Ettore “Big E” Ewen (@WWEBigE) March 28, 2018