Let’s get a quick recap,on Booker T and Corey Graves getting together on the former’s Heated Conversations podcast:
It will cap a couple weeks in which Booker T was replaced on the Monday Night Rawcommentary team by Jonathan Coachman, then blamed issues with Corey Graves for WWE’s decision while threatening to kick his former announcing partner’s ass, followed by thinly veiled references to the situation from Graves and others on television and social media.
Is there legitimate beef, and cooler heads have prevailed to discuss the issues professionally in a safe forum?
Or is it all a work designed to pop a big number for Book’s Heated Conversationspodcast and radio show while saving face over having been removed from a high-profile gig and adding to Corey’s still developing legacy as a major voice in the business?
The answer:
That would be Booker and Graves laughing about how they worked the entire pro wrestling industry, just going back-and-forth the way they do with each other. That’s the big explanation. Graves even says Michael Cole asked about it, wondering if it was legitimate. When told it wasn’t, he asked where it was going and Graves said “nowhere” and confirmed they were just having fun with it.
Pro wrestling, ladies and gentlemen.