As we’ve noted, former WWE Superstar James Ellsworth was recently a guest on Chris Jericho’s podcast, Talk Is Jericho. During his appearance Ellsworth revealed Carmella’s reaction to his release. Here’s what he had to say:
“She called me right away, literally. Maybe a minute-and-a-half after I got off the phone with [Mark] Carrano, I’m sitting in the basement of my house, I haven’t even told [anybody anything]. I’m sitting there and I’m, like, balling, and I’m like, ‘what the hell?’ The phone rings and it’s her. I’m like, ‘she must know. Crap.’ And she was like, ‘James, oh my God, I can’t believe this. I’m so sorry.
“I hope you’re okay?’, like, just being the sweet girl that she is and I was like, ‘I’ll be alright.’ I was like, ‘I was okay before WWE. I’ll be okay after it.’ I said, ‘it hurts. It stings. But it’s life. Life’s not fair sometimes and I get that.’ And she stayed on the phone with me until I was ready to get off [the phone call]. That’s how very cool of a person she is. And we text almost every day.”