WWE SmackDown Women’s Champion Charlotte Flair spoke with Hollywood Life. Here are the highlights:
What she still learns from Ric Flair:
“The one thing I love about my Dad is he knows who he is and he never second-guesses himself. He is just Ric Flair. I don’t know how really to explain it, but if you watch the 30 For 30, he doesn’t apologize for knowing that he is the best. He wakes up every morning and lives life to the fullest. I appreciate that. And him being so honest and not being afraid, and telling me how he did something well or this or that. It’s just a hope that I can get to a point in my life where I don’t second guess myself. That is what I learn from him everyday.”
If Asuka chooses to wrestle her at WrestleMania 34:
“Streaks are meant to be broken and we’ve never faced each other. I think if she does choose me, then ‘The Empress’ versus ‘The Queen’ is a WrestleMania moment. I want to break her streak. I want to be that woman who can say, ‘I beat Asuka!’”