The incident between CM Punk and cast member Johnny Bananas on MTV’s “The Challenge: Champs vs. Pros”.
Punk lost a challenge which saw Punk covered in ketchup and mustard. Punk joked that he felt like Bill Murray in Ghostbusters and said that even though he lost, he would live to fight another day. Bananas approached Punk for his nonchalant attitude after losing, saying that Punk was the first guy in history to lose and be happy about it and that he wouldn’t brag about it. Punk then asked Bananas what he did for a living.
“I’ll tell you what I don’t do, I don’t go to the UFC and get my ass whopped, that’s what I don’t do,” Bananas told Punk.
Punk replied, “I was going to either win gloriously or die a glorious death, and that’s something that someone like you is never going to understand because they wouldn’t let you in because no one would pay a dime to see your ass.”
The cast members started to get uncomfortable, and Bananas didn’t let off.
“I get it that that’s your persona in life and it’s got you nowhere in life, so keep it up dude,” Bananas said. “You couldn’t make it in wrestling, you got your ass handed to you in MMA and now you’re trying to make it at this!”
You can watch the exchange between Punk and Bananas in the video below: