Cody Rhodes was asked during a Q&A on Twitter over the weekend if Vince McMahon holds back talent that comes up from NXT. Rhodes, who worked for WWE from 2006 until requesting his release in 2016, noted that McMahon doesn’t hold talent back, and that some wrestlers become complacent after receiving their first live event check.
“He doesn’t hold anybody back,” Rhodes replied. “A lot of times it’s hard for fans to accept that some of their favorites have a ways to go or that they become lazy after they get that first LE check.”
Rhodes blamed himself for his Stardust character not evolving past mid-card status.
“Stardust for example didn’t go beyond tag gold cuz’ I wasn’t improving & I also got outta’ shape.”
Rhodes got some flack from fans online who claimed that he was backtracking on his past comments, or was being political. When a Twitter user insinuated that he was backtracking on his previous comments for a possible WWE return, Rhodes replied:
“I’ve never said I was being held back. Never. The context of the question can change my answers. I’m sure sometimes I sound bitter or sometimes I sound humble. Fans who follow me get a more clear picture of who I am.
“You’re insane if you think I can do @ALL_IN_2018 and a return.”
Rhodes was more blunt when another user said that Rhodes was giving a political answer and that to “say Vince doesn’t hold people back is just flat out false.”
“Don’t comment directly on my tweet as if I don’t see it,” Rhodes replied. “How’s my answer to a fan in a random Q/A remotely political? I have zero to gain. I worked there, you didn’t…you bought a ticket, not an education. Sit the f–k down.”
You can check out the exchange below:
I think it's a great example of @CodyRhodes taking accountability for himself and his career trajectory which I commend him for. That said, it's a political answer and not exactly grounded in reality. To say Vince doesn't hold people back is just flat out false.
— OTRSCentral (@OTRSCentral) February 6, 2018
Don't comment directly on my tweet as if I don't see it. How's my answer to a fan in a random Q/A remotely political? I have zero to gain. I worked there, you didn't…you bought a ticket, not an education. Sit the fuck down.
— Cody Rhodes (@CodyRhodes) February 6, 2018