Yesterday, Kurt Angle did a Q&A with fans on his Facebook page. Here are some of the highlights:
During their prime, who would win a Last Man Standing Match between Braun Strowman and Andre the Giant:
“That’s comparing apples and oranges. Honestly? Braun. Andre was amazing in the ring, but Braun is incredibly athletic for his size. He’s very explosive. I’d give the edge to Braun.”
The Shield and Dean Ambrose returning:
“Yes, Shield will be back someday. Dean is healing nicely. He will be out for a bit, but knowing Dean, he will be back relatively fast. That’s all I can say.”
If his Street Fight against Shane McMahon at King of the Ring 2001 was his greatest match:
“It was incredible. But it was what it was…a street fight. Me vs. Shawn Michaels [WrestleMania 21], Taker [No Way Out 2006], or Chris Benoit 2003 Royal Rumble are among my greats.”
EC3 in WWE:
“He’s coming! The kid’s got a huge future in WWE.”