We all knew it was coming.
When EC3 showed up in the crowd at the latest NXT TakeOver, it was clear
his Impact career would soon be over. However, there were still a couple months of Impact TV of which he was a part.
So when he was entered in the Feast or Fired match, where men compete for one of four briefcases, three with title opportunities, and one with a pink slip, we all knew EC3’s briefcase would lead to his exit.
And it did tonight.
First, he had a backstage segment, which poked fun at the fact that everyone knew he was getting fired.
Then, when it was revealed in the main event that Carter was in fact fired, he went through a myriad of emotions:
- First denial, refusing to even open the briefcase.
- Then he ranted about how he’s the best this company has seen, while running through some of his greatest hits of promo lines.
- Carter then got serious for a moment, noting that getting fired could light the spark that is needed, referring to the fact it was being fired from WWE that led to his success here.
- And then he attacked Jeremy Borash with the briefcase, because once a heel, forever a heel. (That’ll be awkward since they’re both working at NXT.)
- The final moment was getting laid out by Impact newcomer Brian Cage, going out on his back.
It’s been a great ride, EC3. See ya, Wednesday!