The video above from Sam Cook, a friend of Philomena Sheahan, where he shared a group text exchange from the night of the alleged rape incident. We had held off from posting the video because we could not verify if the texts were legitimate, however Sheahan confirmed that the exchange happened.
Sheahan accused Enzo Amore of rape, and alleged that Layla Shapiro (@toopoor_) and designer Tyler Grosso were involved.
In the video, the text exchange confirms that Amore had sex with Sheahan, but suggests that it was consensual. Below is the text exchange:
Sheahan: “I’m going to f–king rehab today. Or to get a ketamine infusion. RACHEL”
Recipient: “WHAT WHY”
Sheahan: “I MET TOO POOR and did coke with her Tyler and f–k their friend.”
Recipient: “pics or it didn’t happen.”
Sheahan: “F–ked.”
Recipient: “Don’t lie you dumbass b—h u would be posting it on ur story”
Sheahan: “My roommates would see b—h. No I wouldn’t.”
Recipient: “shere’s the selfie with her?”
Sheahan: “Didn’t get one.”
Recipient: “Omg”
Sheahan: “Believe it or not b—h it happened & I’m laying in bed next to a famous wrestler.”
Recipient: “Pic”
Sheahan: “It’s dark in here.”