
Eric Bischoff On Which WCW Wrestler Jon Moxley’s WWE Frustrations Reminded Him Of


On “After 83 Weeks”, Eric Bischoff participated in a Q&A session. One of the topics brought up was Jon Moxley’s frustrations with WWE. Bischoff compared Mox’s situation to that of Chris Jericho and how he felt towards the end of his tenure with WCW. Here are the highlights:

On Moxley’s Frustrations Being A Widespread Issue:

Guess what? That’s the entertainment business. Anybody that’s ever directed or produced a television series, a sitcom, a movie, or wrestling show, or probably a high school play, at one level or another has faced that issue. Now, obviously the higher profile [a performer] becomes, the more success you have, the more sensitive one becomes to that particular issue. It’s the nature of the business.

On Similarities Between Moxley’s Frustration With WWE & Jericho’s With WCW:

Chris Jericho when he was in WCW was very frustrated. Chris really saw himself as a much bigger character, a much more significant character, a much more versatile character than he thought he was being provided credit for. He voiced that often which is why he ended up going to the WWE, which is why Moxley is now in AEW. It’s not unnatural. I think people should expect it. There’s nothing wrong with it. When you’re that into your character and when you’re that passionate about the business, you were going to feel like you were out growing whatever situation you’re in, particularly in WWE.

You can listen to the podcast below:

Credit: After 83 Weeks. H/T 411Mania.

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