
Frankie Kazarian turns heel in TNA


With a new year comes lofty goals. Frankie Kazarian was eager for success in 2024, especially with the rebirth of TNA. Things quickly went south in the ring, so Kaz lashed out to turn heel.

Kazarian teamed with Eric Young against Eddie Edwards and Brian Myers on the Hard to Kill pre-show. Kaz ate the pin after being blasted with a Roster Cut lariat from Myers and a Boston Knee Party from Edwards. Kaz was 0-1 to start the year.

Kazarian’s second match was tag team action once again with Young against the Grizzled Young Veterans on Thursday night’s episode of Impact (Jan. 18, 2024). This time, Kaz wasn’t victim to the pinfall, but the result was still the same.

Kazarian made a hot tag to Young to clean house. GYV regrouped to regain control. Kaz saved EY from a double-team move. In the process, Kaz accidentally clobbered his teammate. GYV dumped Kaz from the ring, and they finished Young to win. Kaz was now 0-2 to start the year.

After the match, Kazarian was frustrated and appeared to be blaming Young for the loss. As Young rose to his feet, Kaz unloaded a cheap shot punch. Heel turn! Kaz shouted that this was supposed to be his year. He added an exclamation point on his behavior with a Fade to Black piledriver. The fans showered Kaz with the chant, “Fuck you, Frankie!”

Kazarian responded on social media to the incident.

Kazarian is a five-time X-Division champion and a three-time tag team champion in TNA. Upon returning to the company in 2022, Kaz’s goal was to become a world champion. He has yet to accomplish that feat.

What’s your reaction to this heel turn from Frankie Kazarian?

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