Sonjay Dutt chose GFW over WWE because he felt it was best for his family.
Dutt, the current GFW X-Division Champion and a producer backstage, explained his decision when asked on a media conference call by owner Raj Giri.
“A lot of factors played into that,” said Dutt. “I’m 35, I’ve got a wife, I’ve got two kids and I’ve got a family that I have to put first before my decisions in life. That took a good chunk of the decision-making process, what is best for them. You know, uprooting my family and two young children, that was a huge part of it.”
“It was a tough but family first at the end of the day. Like I said, I’ve got a 6-year old and an 8-month old and a wife, so those factors outweigh anything.”
Dutt was offered a position with WWE after serving as a guest trainer at their Performance Center late last year. Ring of Honor spoke with him about taking Steve Corino’s spot on commentary and Jeff Jarrett had interest in bringing him in to help with creative.
In April, Dutt rejected WWE’s offer and signed with GFW.