American Football

Happy 4th of July from Battle Red Blog


Orinda American Flag
Photo by Smith Collection/Gado/Getty Images

The 248th Anniversary of American Independence…celebrated.

Greetings to all on this (hopefully for you) wonderful 4th of July. Amid all the heat, mosquitoes and other drawbacks to summer, we at Battle Red Blog hope that you are actually enjoying the benefits of a July day off (or if you can’t get today off from work, that you get a compensation day shortly). Given that it is America’s birthday, we figure all should be able to celebrate such a glorious occasion. Yes, yes, the 4th may not be the actual, for real, America’s birthday, but at this point, it is as good as any day on the calendar, so let’s keep it there. Besides, it is tough enough to remember that America is now 248…getting close to the big 250…always a fun anniversary, and it would just be a little tough to try to alter that now.

Anyway…that diatribe aside, today is a good day to think about this nation of ours. Sure, it is far from perfect, and maybe all 333+ million of us that call this land home don’t agree on much. Yet, we are in a position to criticize and praise this land as we see fit. All of us can look to the good that we have here, and work to improve what we can. We can also take a moment to reflect on what got our nation to this point, especially those that have, are currently, or will continue, to sacrifice for the freedoms and betterment of this nation. As Americans, we all have our ways of honoring this day, whether it is through a boisterous parade filled with patriotic symbolism, flag-waving and an ode to America, or a moment of quiet reflection. Or, you don’t have to do any of that at all. If the 4th is only means to you a day off work and hang out with family and friends, well, that is what the 4th is. There is no law that dictates how you celebrate the 4th, or what you should think about this particular holiday. The fun of freedom in America.

To that end, we at Battle Red Blog do want you to enjoy this day, but we ask that you do it safely. Use caution in dealing with the heat, water, equipment and other people. Celebrate, but in moderation. Please don’t drink and drive. We want everyone back in the same if not better, condition after the holiday. We especially wouldn’t want you to miss what promises to be one of the most exciting and anticipated seasons in Texans’ history.

Happy Birthday America! Go Texans!

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