Tucker Knight and Otis Dozovic of Heavy Machinery took to Twitter and wrote the following on next week’s Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic match against The Street Profits:
You think we're ready???
We didn't get into this to be anything other then the very best…
@WWEDozovic and @TuckerKnightWWE #HeavyMachinery it's our time #STEAKSandWEIGHTS #BulkingSeason #CARBsodas pic.twitter.com/caLs82oPxy
— Levi Cooper (@REALLeviCooper) March 8, 2018
First Rounder…
Ready to #DOZ Down the Doors of Opportunity AAAAASSSSA! ✊🏻#HeavyMachinery #DustyClassic #STEAKSandWEIGHTS #BulkingSeason #CARBsodas #TUCKy #DOZER pic.twitter.com/Ai9uv6uxwg— OTIS (DOZER) (@otiswwe) March 8, 2018