
Impact recap: Mystery driver hits PCO during desert fight


Call the detectives. We have another mystery in Impact that needs detecting.

This one involves a mystery driver hitting PCO during his desert fight with Eddie Edwards. The crime scene unfolded on the outskirts of the Impact Zone when Impact was filming in Las Vegas. Last time in Vegas, Edwards buried PCO. I assume the police did not investigate, because PCO is already dead. You can’t be charged for killing a dead person. Anyway, PCO was reanimated by lightning, and he rose from his makeshift grave. The French-Canadian Frankenstein wanted payback on Edwards.

That led to PCO calling out Edwards for a return fight in the desert during the latest episode of Impact Wrestling (Mar. 9, 2023). Edwards didn’t back down. When he arrived to the spot, a melee ensued. Edwards brought a tire iron, and PCO brandished a shovel. Lots of grunts and shouting echoed in the valley as the two grabbed each other in a stalemate. Edwards gained control to choke PCO with the shovel handle. PCO powered out to execute a Scorpion Death Drop on the ground. PCO dragged Edwards to a hole intent on burying his rival. Things looked grim for Edwards.

Zoom! Crash! Boom! A vehicle drove in to ram PCO. Edwards hopped in, and the car drove away leaving PCO for dead. Watch the full scene for yourself.

The question is the identity of the mystery wheelman. My hunch points to Alisha Edwards. After all, she is a ‘ride or die’ wife. Eddie and Alisha had their troubles, but she won’t sit back and allow her husband to be buried alive.

Who do you think was the driver? If not Alisha, what other guesses do you have?

In other action from Impact Wrestling:

  • Bhupinder Gujjar defeated Bully Ray via DQ. Bully opened the show with a promo mocking Tommy Dreamer’s challenge for a Busted Open Match. Bully claimed Dreamer knows he won’t be cleared from the eye injury and is just acting like a fake hero to save face in front of the fans. Director of Authority Santino Marella had good news for Dreamer’s recovery and made the match official for Sacrifice on March 24. Gujjar came out wanting a match now, so Santino booked that too. Bully tried to cheat with a steal chain, but Gujjar didn’t fall for the same trick twice. When Gujjar had the chain with rage in his eyes, Bully hit a low blow. The referee called for the bell. Bully whipped Gujjar with the chain. Dreamer ran out for the save. When Dreamer had Bully in a fireman’s carry position, Masha Slamovich slid in to low blow Dreamer. When Bully had Dreamer in a piledriver position, Mickie James made the save by hitting Bully with a kendo stick. Bully felt no pain. James tackled Masha to tussle on the mat. Bully used his chain to choke James. Dreamer picked up a chair, and the heels scattered.
  • Josh Alexander needed two partners to wrestle Time Machine at Sacrifice. He approached Rich Swann, who said yes. Steve Maclin wanted in to make sure Alexander stays healthy prior to their world title fight at Rebellion on April 16. Alexander wasn’t interested. He already had Frankie Kazarian as the other teammate.

  • Rhino defeated Callihan. This was step 6 in Callihan’s initiation into the Design. Callihan had momentum, then Angels hooked his foot and Kon hit him with a chair. Callihan stumbled around into a Gore from Rhino for the winning pin. This lesson was payback for Callihan costing Kon the match against Kaz in the same manner.
  • Trey Miguel wants to cement his legacy as X-Division champion, so Santino booked him in a title defense at Sacrifice against Santino’s handpicked opponent. The champ will advance into a six-man mega-match at Multiverse United: Only the STRONG Survive on March 30 against Rich Swann, Frankie Kazarian, Rocky Romero, Kevin Knight, and Clark Connors. Johnny Swinger and Zicky Dice interrupted looking for a ham-and-egger so Swinger could earn his first win on the road to 50 wins.

  • Jordynne Grace defeated Alex Gracia. Thicc Mama Pump was chiseled in preparation for a bodybuilding competition. Gracia showed tenacity, but it was only a matter of time before Grace smashed the Grace Driver for victory.
  • Moose and Brian Myers attacked Joe Hendry as a statement that Myers wants the Impact Digital Media Championship.
  • Bullet Club were feeling fine with gold around their waists. Alexander, Swann, and Kaz challenged Ace Austin, Chris Bey, and Kenta to a match next week. Bullet Club took offense at the idea that they were a warm-up for Alexander’s team in preparation for Time Machine.
  • Kushida defeated Jonathan Gresham. Competitive technical duel. Kushida caught Gresham in a Hoverboard Lock, and Gresham quickly tapped out. The purpose of this match was to establish the effectiveness of Kushida’s submission with the idea that he could take the Impact World Championship from Alexander in a split-second at the Multiverse show.

  • Killer Kelly called out Taylor Wilde to deal with that witchy business. Wilde pulled out a tarot card as a setup for KiLynn King to ambush Kelly. Backstage, the Death Dollz offered to help Kelly with the witch coven. Kelly preferred to handle it alone. Kelly left, and the witches entered. Rosemary proposed a Knockouts tag title match against Wilde and King. The stipulation was that a loss by Wilde means she has to quit the dark arts. (Full details here.)

  • Knockouts Championship: Mickie James defeated Gisele Shaw. Jai Vidal and Savannah Evans tried to interfere, but Deonna Purrazzo left the commentary table to neutralize the threat. As the referee escorted Evans out of the ring, Shaw scored a roll-up on James. Purrazzo entered the ring to help James reverse for top position. The referee counted three, and James remains champion. (Full details here.)

That was a chaotic episode of Impact Wrestling. The opening scene featured numerous stars, and it all meshed well advancing a few stories at the same time. Mickie James came back for more in the main event to close the door on Gisele Shaw and clear the path for Jordynne Grace at Sacrifice. Add in witches with the surprise of KiLynn King, the Death Dollz (I don’t know how to classify them), and a desert fight for goofy fun.

Using Jonathan Gresham to do the job to Kushida was a questionable call. Gresham was coming off a big win over “Speedball” Mike Bailey. Impact failed to capitalize on that in any way and fed him straight to Kushida. A win over Bailey should mean something, and Impact flushed it.

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