Taped From Stage 7 At Film City In Mumbai, India
The show opens with a teaser for tonight’s X division championship main event between Low-Ki and Sonjay Dutt. The teaser is followed by the opening match of Impact, where Suicide and Matt Sydal kick off the ten-man Sony Six Invitational Gauntlet Battle Royal. The opening five minutes of the show can be seen in the video below.
Indian Radio and TV Host Siddharth Kannan is one again, doing the in ring introductions for the show…. Jeremy Borash and Josh Mathews are on commentary. As noted last week, They have been instructed to not get into any physical altercations until Slammiversary. Josh Mathews is scheduled to have a sparring session in ring later in the show….. Coincidentally with Mathews and Borash participating in ring during the pay-per-view. Impact Wrestling announced earlier today that ESPN host Robert Flores and longtime Impact salesmen and original color commentator Don West will be calling the show.
10-Man Sony Six Invitational Gauntlet Battle Royal
Entrants #1 and #2- Suicide & Matt Sydal
The match rules are over the top rope eliminations with a new entrant being revealed every 90 seconds…. The winner of this battle royal will receive the Sony Six trophy….. Matt Sydal shows up Suicide in the opening moments and hits two consecutive monkey flips. The clock begins to countdown at the 60 second mark, as Matt Sydal sends Suicide to the ring apron. Suicide battles back with a suplex and a running knee. Sydal ducks a strike by Suicide and hits a spinning heel kick with the clock counting down to the next etrant.
Entrant #3- Davey Richards
Richards goes after both men and strikes them down. Davey hits a snap suplex on Sydal and then a back suplex on Suicide. Sydal recovers with a hurricanrana. Suicide is up and he knocks down Sydal, as the clock counts down to the next entrant.
Entrant #4- KM
KM starts trash talking when he gets in the ring. He gets dropped by Matt Sydal, who also drops down Richards at the same time. KM is nearly eliminated by Suicide. Davey Richards dropkicks Suicide off the apron to eliminate him.
Entrant #5- ‘Swoggle’
Swoggle comes into the ring and comedically tries to introduce his own brand of strong style with several chops on Sydal and KM, which both men no sell. Swoggle tries his luck with Richards as well but gets kicked in the mid-section.
Entrant #6- Eddie Edwards
Edwards flies into the ring and goes after his former partner Davey Richards. They end up eliminating one another at the same time and brawl on the outside, as the show heads to it’s first break.
Entrant #7- Rockstar Spud
Swoggle and Sydal go after Spud when he enters the ring. With Sydal’ help, Swoggle is able to ground Spud. When Swoggle and Sydal celebrate their teamwork. Spud rises and knocks them both down. Swoggle gets stomped on in the corner as Spud repeatedly yells “I never meant to pull your pants down”.
Entrant #8- Kongo Kong
Sydal tries to leap off the ropes on Kong but he gets struck down in mid-air. Matt tries to evade and avoid elimination but Kong gets rid of him by splashing him off the apron. Rockstar Spud tries to take on Kongo but gets thrown over the top rope and eliminated.
Entrant # 9- Moose
As Moose’s theme hits, Spud pulls Swoggle off the apron and eliminates him, Swoggle was trying to hide from Kong. Moose enters with Kong and KM teaming up and eliminating him.
Entrant #10- Mahabali Shera
Shera gets a nice response from the crowd in India, as his family is shown watching from ringside. Mahabali is over powered by Kongo, as soon as he enters the battle royal. After getting splashed in the corner, Shera fights back and manages to side step a charging Kongo, who ends up eliminating himself. The show goes to break with Shera and KM being the final two remaining competitors. When the show returns, Borash announces that a new match has been signed for Slammiversary. It will be a mixed tag full metal mayhem match with Eddie Edwards teaming with his wife Alisha against Davey Richards and his wife Angelina Love.
The final elimination here is decided by pinfall.KM gains the advantage on Shera. He roughs him up for bit and taunts Mahabali and the crowd. Shera battles back and slams KM down to the mat. He fires up and knocks KM down with strikes and then hits him with a clothesline. Shera sets up for his sky high finish but Km counters out and goes for a pump handle slam, Shera escapes and hits the Sky High and pins KM to win the battle royal.
Mahabali wins The Sony Six Invitational Trophy
Shera goes in to the crowd to celebrate with his family at ringside. Sony Six’s CEO from India N.P. Singh, Bruce Prichard and Scott D’More make their way to ring to present Mahabali with the trophy. Shera embraces the trophy in ring and is congratulated.
The show cuts to Borash and Mathews in front of their broadcasting location. Mathews is not in a suit. He is dressed up in a cut off shirt with his Goat logo. Mathews hypes his sparring session for later tonight…. Borash intros a video teaser for Impact’s main event. A Sonjay Dutt history piece airs to hype up The X Division Championship match. Dutt talks about his history in The X division and how he has never won the title, he calls this his final shot and thinks it’s very special, that he has the chance to finally become champ in his home country. Dutt says that if it doesn’t happen this time, that it’s the last time.
After the break, A DeAngelo Williams news update/video is posted, with the announcement that the former all pro NFL running back has joined Impact Wrestling and is in training.
LAX is hanging out at their spot. Konnan is talking to his fellow LAX members. He tells them that they will be invading local promotions in Orlando and that they plan to take advantage of the local promoters. A quick preview video airs with LAX being shown at WrestlePro. The full footage will air next week.
EC3 makes his entrance and heads to the ring. He is being addressed as “E Singh 3”. He is dressed up in traditional Indian garb and has a translator with him. “E Singh 3” says that he checked his heritage and found out that one of his ancient relatives was born in India. The translation leads to boos from the crowd with very few of them buying EC3’s story. E Singh 3 mockingly compliments India’s history and the translation actually gets cheered. When Carter calls India a third world hell hole, He is booed before his message is even translated. He gets a “You Suck” chant…. E Singh 3 promises to destroy India’s history and rips on the culture. Carter insults Impact Wrestling and India. He says that they are very much like each other. EC3 then says that he is the one true golden god. The translator doesn’t want to translate EC3’s harsh words about India. Carter calls India and Impact Wrestling in-subordinants, who deserve to be punished. Carter then strikes down the translator and starts whipping him with a leather strap. James Storm’s music hits and he heads to the ring. Storm kicks the belt out of Carter’s hands and gets the strap. Carter runs out of the ring and gets away before he can be whipped.
After the break, Josh Mathews and Jeremy Borash are back at the broadcast area. Mathews cues for his music because he is about to have his sparring session…. Borash cues to footage from catering earlier in the day, where Swoggle and Spud start arguing with each other when they sit down to eat. The “Mumbai Cats” are also seated at the table. Spud tells Swoggle that he hates short people. Swoggle climbs on top of the table and pushes Spud’s head into his plate and runs off.
Josh Mathews Sparring Session
Jeremy Borash mentions Mathews history as a wrestler and starting on Tough Enough….. Mathews gets on the mic and says that he and Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner are going to eliminate Joseph Park and Jeremy Borash from Impact Wrestling. Mathews is wearing a cut off “GOAT” shirt with gym shorts and sneakers. Mathews mentions how he is not allowed to physically touch JB until Slammiversary, so that’s why he scheduled this session. Mathews gets a “You can’t wrestle” chant. Mathews tries to intro his sparring partner Sandeep Tahkonn?….. Mathews says that Sandeep is a star in India, who competed in The Olympics in wrestling and Cricket. Sandeep makes his entrance. He is dressed in red tights. Mathews runs the ring early on and hits an arm drag takedown. Mathews then gets a drop toe hold on Sandeep and slaps him around. The heavy set Sandeep hits a dropkick and gets a nice ovation from the crowd. Josh retakes control with some lazy looking knee lifts and hits a very good looking swanton bomb. Mathews gets Sandeep in the Steiner Recliner. Sandeep submits.
Josh Mathews defeats Sandeep Tahkon by submission
After the session, Mathews won’t release the hold. Mahabali Shera comes out to go after Mathews. Josh gets on his knees and begs off. He attempts a low blow but it gets blocked. As Shera lifts Mathews on his shoulders, Bobby Lashley makes his way and attacks Shera. Once Mahabali is grounded, Mathews slaps on The Steiner Recliner. Alberto El Patron’s music hits and he comes out to rescue Shera. Mathews runs away and Lashley backs off and heads up the ramp way.
A Slammiversary PPV ad airs after the break.
After the PPV ad airs, A Jeremy Borash-Joseph Park training vignette airs. Park is playing with wrestling action figures. He has a Big Poppa Pump doll and a Magnus doll, that he pretends is Josh Mathews. Borash is upset because he thought that they would be watching tape. Park harkens back to an old Scott Steiner TNA promo, where Big Poppa Pump goes through percentages of winning that add to more than 100….. An actual Steiner promo from his early TNA work is played by Joseph Park, where he cuts a promo about percentages adding to over a 140 percent chance. They watch a Steiner highlights package. Park and Borash argue over how the term brick house goes and add their own curse words into the mix. Just as Park and Borash are finishing up their video review, They get a call on their phone, that is presumably Scott Steiner. Both men shake in fear and refuse to pick up the phone. Parts 1 and 2 of their training can be seen below.
Braxton Sutter w/Allie vs. Trevor Lee
Trevor Lee attacks Sutter on the apron during his entrance. He knocks Sutter to the outside with a kick to the face. Trevor is Helms-less during this match. He takes the control of the first few minutes of the match. Lee then goes outside to go after Allie. Sutter is up and saves his girlfriend. When both men get back in the ring, they exchange several strikes. Sutter hits a power slam when Lee comes off the ropes. Sutter hits a swinging neckbreaker and surprisingly makes short work of Trevor Lee.
Braxton Sutter defeats Trevor Lee by pinfall
After the match, While Sutter and Allie are celebrating in the ring. Laurel Van Ness and Sienna make their way to the stage. Sienna insults the couple. Sienna says that Allie isn’t as innocent as everyone believes and mentions how she attacked her and Laurel last week with a weapon. Sienna then challenges Allie to a tag match next week between her and Laurel against Allie and her new friend Rosemary. Sienna says that Allie can’t trust Rosemary and doesn’t think that she will even show up next week.
A Low-Ki video package airs hyping tonight’s main event. Low-Ki says that there is a reason that he is a 5 time X division champion and that Sonjay Dutt has always failed when it comes to beating him and becoming champion. Low-Ki calls himself a professional and says that this is an eye for eye situation, where he is going to kill Dutt’s dream.
After the break, A video airs with Impact Wrestling talent talking about the 15th anniversary of Slammiversary and what it means to all of them. Alberto, Karen Jarrett, Bobby Lashley and others all comment on how excited, they are about the upcoming ppv.
The Impact Grand Champion Moose makes his way to the ring and takes the mic. Moose says that two weeks ago, he successfully defended his title against a “dummy” in Eli Drake. Eli’s music hits as soon as Moose gets that sentence out. He heads down the ramp with Chris Adonis. Drake starts chanting India repeatedly and then calls the fans in attendance dummies for chanting along with him. Drake tells Moose that he has been fed nothing but BS since he has been in this company. Drake criticizes Bruce Prichard and management for the way, his career has been going of later. Drake says that Moose has been kissing up to the new Impact management and that his nose is so far up their butts, that he can tell what kind of curry, they have been eating. Moose gets the fans in Moose chant and challenges Drake to a tag match at Slammiversary. Adonis cuts off Moose and says that Drake has him and Moose has nobody. Drake and Adonis head into the ring and go after Moose. They get the brief advantage but Moose fights them both off. When Adonis and Drake get outside the ring, Moose gets on the mic and promises to announce who his tag team partner will be next week on Impact Wrestling.
The continuation of Joseph Park and JB’s video training session airs. They answer the phone call of Scott Steiner, who appears on their lap top. Steiner rants and raves nonsensically. Big Poppa Pump says that they are both dead men and curses up a storm. Park and Borash beg for forgiveness and ask for their Slammiversary match to be called off. Borash says that we gotta put a stop to this and hang up on the call. Neither Park nor Borash have the courage to hang up on Steiner and they run away from the lap top, as Steiner continues to yell at them.
Low-Ki (c) vs. Sonjay Dutt
Dutt is wrestling the match with his eye patch on, as a result of an injury he suffered at the hand of Low-Ki, on the night of his return to the company. Low-Ki goes after the injured eye and rips the patch off, revealing that Sonjay’s eye is still swollen. The pace of the match picks up and Sonjay hits a beautiful hurricannrana. Dutt then takes Low-Ki down to the mat with a wrist lock. Low-Ki gets back to his feet and strikes down Dutt with a sharp elbow directed at his injured eye.
The story of this match so far has been how well each man has the other scouted because of their history between one another. It comes into play as Dutt evades Low-Ki and sends him to the outside. They end up battling to a stage area directly in the crowd. Dutt launches Low-Ki off the stage and he then attempts a moonsault from a very narrow distance He connects with but lands awkwardly into the ring apron. Moments later, Low-Ki battles back and slams Dutt onto the steel steps, as the show heads to break.
When the show returns, The action is back in the ring and Low-Ki has taken control. He gets Dutt in an abdominal stretch. Sonjay’s name is chanted in song throughout this entire match. Dutt starts to rally and counters a Low-Ki springboard attempt by executing a Russian leg sweep from the second rope. Sonjay then hits a rolling basement dropkick on Low-Ki and it nets him a near pinfall. When Dutt attempts a tornado DDT, Low-Ki uses the ropes to throw Dutt across the ring. Moments later, Low-Ki takes off his suit jacket and zeros in on Dutt. He hits a handspring martial arts kick in the corner. Low-Ki heads to the top but Dutt recovers and meets him up there. Sonjay attempts a superplex, Low-Ki knocks Dutt down with a head butt but Sonjay is back with a stiff right hand and it enables him to execute the superplex off the top.
Dutt covers Low-Ki for a near fall. He then attempts a sunset flip but gets double foot stomped by Low-Ki. A very nice counter of that move. Low-Ki then brings Dutt up to the top rope, he carries him on his shoulders and runs across the ring with him but Dutt gets out of it and grounds Low-Ki with a tornado DDT. Sonjay heads to the top rope hits a big splash and pins Low-Ki.
Sonjay Dutt defeats Low-Ki to become The X Division Champion
For the very first time in his career after starting with the company in 2003. Sonjay Dutt wins his first ever X division championship. He celebrates in the ring and Impact wrestlers come in to the ring to congratulate him. Impact goes off the air with Dutt being sprayed with champagne and carried on the shoulders of Mahabali Shera….. A great moment for Sonjay Dutt.
Below is a post match video of Sonjay Dutt being interviewed after his championship victory.