Below are the results of Impact Wrestling:
Caleb Konley (with Trevor Lee) vs. Taiji Ishimori
Lee jumps up to the apron, only to get punched off it. Ishimori inside/outside games with the ropes, springboards in and drops Konley. Konley with a crazy submission, almost a reverse surfboard. Ishimori fights out of it, but gets a backhanded to the mug. Ishimori with a reversal that drops his opponent, pin, two. He heads up to the top, 450 splash gets the pin.
Winner: Taiji Ishimori via Pinfall
– Post-match, Lee is instantly in the ring and stomps away at Ishimori. Taunts the crowd and is getting a solid reaction from them.
Sienna vs. Rosemary vs. Allie (Knockouts Championship Tournament Match)
She looked like she had nowhere to go, but popped Allie to break things up. She rolls out and finally Rosemary and Allie are yelling and throwing big strikes at each other. Both miss kicks, Sienna back in, double superkicks. Codebreaker by Allie, suplex by Rosemary, Sienna out. Red Wedding on Allie and that will do it!
Winner: Rosemary via Pinfall (Advances to finals to face Laurel Van Ness for the Knockouts Championship)
– Already in the ring is Sami Callihan and Impact World Tag Team Champions, oVe. Callihan on first, who mocks the Canadian anthem and anyone who isn’t from Ohio.
Matt Sydal vs. EC3 (Grand Championship Match)
Bit of a feeling out process early on, but Matt Sydal finally hits a nice standing moonsault and goes for a pin. Reverse headlock by Sydal gets broken up as EC3 shoves him into the corner. Sydal on the apron, dodges EC3, kick, up to the top, and crotched on the top turnbuckle. EC3 hits running cutter, pin, two. Knee to the back sends Sydal to the outside, EC3 slams his head on the apron a couple times, back in the ring, stalled vertical suplex that falls right at the end of Round 1.
EC3 up 1-0
Sydal gets right to work, big chops in the corner, followed up by a running kick to the face, pin, two. EC3 throws Sydal into the corner chest-first and stomps away at the challenger. EC3 goes for a slam and Sydal reverses it in mid-air, spinning heel kick, more kicks, pin attempt by Sydal and yet again, two. Standing hurricanrana by Sydal, EC3 on the apron, gets his feet kicked out from under him. Sydal with a drop kick through the ropes with 30 seconds remaining. Action back in the ring, big kick to EC3’s head as the Round 2 ends.
Tied at 1-1
Before the final round gets started, EC3 with a cheap shot. Sydal goes for a standing moonsault, gets rolled up, and EC3 with a nice powerbomb into a pin, two. Sydal stunned in the corner as EC3 charges in, misses. Sydal heads to the top and hits double knees to the shoulders, pin, nope. Evenly matched at the halfway point. EC3 hits a flatliner, pin, two. EC3 tries for the one percenter, reversed, Sydal with a few knees to the face. He goes up to the top rope, EC3 stops him and gets slapped in the face. Sydal goes for shooting star press, EC3 moves. Both bump heads as the round finishes.
Match ends in a Draw – EC3 retains the Grand Championship
Lashley and Dan Lambert vs. Moose and James Storm
One of the ATT members jump in (head taped with a neck brace on) Moose with an ax kick and he gets thrown to the outside on two other ATT members. Lashley drops Storm and hits the spear. Lambert with the tag to Lashley and he gets the easy pin. Lashley isn’t so thrilled with Lambert taking the glory, but eventually comes around because they got the win.
Winners: Lashley and Dan Lambert via Pinfall
– Backstage, McKenzie is with Johnny Impact and Petey Williams.
Eli Drake and Chris Adonis vs. Petey Williams and Johnny Impact
Johnny finally gets into the match, easily puts down Adonis, goes for countdown to impact, but misses. Rolling neckbreaker, pin, Drake breaks it up, and hits a DDT as the ref tries to get him out of the ring. Williams hits a codebreaker, side russian leg sweep as the crowd chants “Petey! Petey!” Canadian destroy attempt, but Adonis lock outta nowhere. Johnny with a springboard kick, Drake dumped to the outside. Johnny hits starship pain on Chris Adonis and the will do it!
Winners: Petey Williams and Johnny Impact via Pinfall
– Post-match, Drake is now in the ring with the title as Johnny and Williams head up the ramp. Alberto comes through the crowd and hammers Drake from behind, throws him into the ring post. He then picks up the title for a moment, sets it down, and gives Drake a DDT on the title. Alberto lays the title on Drake as he looks at Johnny. The two taunt each other as Williams holds back his partner, and we’re out!