
IMPACT Wrestling Results 2/23/21


IMPACT Wrestling Results 2/23/21
The Skyway Studios
Nashville, Tennessee

You can follow me on Twitter @JoshLopezMedia

Transcription by Josh Lopez 

First Match: Cody Deaner vs. Jake Something In A Tables Match 

Deaner with rapid fire haymakers after the bell rings. Something shoves Deaner. Deaner with clubbing blows to Something’s back. Deaner continues to charge at Something. Deaner starts biting Something’s nose. Something launches Deaner into the turnbuckles. Something with heavy bodyshots. Something with a straight right hand. Something clotheslines Deaner. Something drops Deaner with The Sliding Lariat. Something grabs a table. Deaner with a Baseball Slide Dropkick. Deaner rakes the eyes of Something. Deaner rolls the table into the ring. Something rocks Deaner with a forearm smash. Something positions the table in the corner. Something knocks Deaner off the ring apron. Something puts the table on the middle turnbuckle. Something goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Deaner lands back on his feet. Deaner with three haymakers. Something hits The Michinoku Driver. Deaner with a drop toe hold into the table. Deaner HeadButts Something. Deaner is choking Something with his boot.

Deaner catapults Something throat first under the table. Deaner wedges the table in the corner. Something regroups on the outside. Deaner continues to rake the eyes of Something. Something with forearm shivers. Something sets up a table bridge. Deaner tees off on Something. Something is teetering on the apron. Something with a shoulder block. Something goes for a Back Body Drop, but Deaner lands back on his feet. Deaner with an eye gauge. Deaner kicks Something in the face. Something catches Deaner in mid-air. Something goes for a PowerBomb, but Deaner lands back on his feet. Something with a forearm smash. Deaner slides under the table. Deaner shoves the table at Something. Deaner slams Something’s face on the legs of the table. Deaner is raining down haymakers. Deaner lays Something flat on the table. Deaner ascends to the top turnbuckle. Something with a straight right hand. Deaner denies The SuperPlex. Deaner throws Something off the top turnbuckle.

Something drops Deaner with a Body Block. Something with The Corner Spear. Something connects with The SitOut PowerBomb. Deaner exits the ring. Something goes for a Powerslam, but Deaner lands back on his feet. Deaner pulls Something down to the ring steps. Deaner with clubbing blows to Something’s back. Deaner and Something are brawling on the stage. Something negates The Deaner DDT. Something with a forearm smash. Something goes for a PowerBomb, but Deaner lands back on his feet. Deaner delivers the low blow. Deaner runs down the ramp way. Something plants Deaner with The Black Hole Slam through the table to pickup the victory. After the match, Moose Spears Something through another table. Moose says that he’s holding IMPACT hostage until he gets what he wants from Rich Swann. Scott D’Amore has had enough of Moose’s games especially with the fact that Rich Swann is not in the building tonight. D’Amore announces that the TNA World Heavyweight Championship will be reinstated as an official championship. Tonight’s main event will be Moose vs. Jake Something For The TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

Winner: Jake Something 

Second Match: Trey Miguel, Josh Alexander, and Willie Mack vs. Ace Austin, Chris Bey, and Black Taurus w/Madman Fulton & The Decay In A 6-Man Tag Team Match. The Winning Team Will Battle Each Other In A No. 1 Contender’s Triple Threat Match For The IMPACT X-Division Championship 

Trey Miguel and Chris Bey will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Wrist Lock Exchange. Miguel applies a hammerlock. Miguel brings Bey down to the mat. Bey applies a headscissors neck lock. Miguel pops back on his feet. Miguel starts doing jumping jacks. Strong lockup. Miguel grabs a side wrist lock. Miguel with a flurry of rollups. Bey scrambles to the corner. Austin tags himself in. Austin taunts Miguel. Miguel slaps Austin in the face. Standing Switch Exchange. Miguel sends Austin face first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Alexander and Mack continues to throw Austin into the middle turnbuckle pad. Mack goes for a Bodyslam, but Austin lands back on his feet. Austin crawls under Mack. Austin tags in Taurus. Shoulder Block Exchange. Taurus drops down on the canvas. Taurus leapfrogs over Mack. Mack lunges over Taurus. Counter Aerial Display. Mack with a deep arm-drag. Mack with a single leg dropkick. Mack tags in Alexander. Taurus decks Alexander with a back elbow smash. Alexander with The Rolling Senton. Alexander knocks Bey off the ring apron. Taurus HeadButts Alexander. Taurus with two haymakers. Alexander delivers his combination offense. Alexander applies a wrist lock. Short-Arm Reversal by Taurus. Taurus with a big haymaker. Alexander reverses out of the irish whip from Taurus. Taurus drops Alexander with a Twisting Body Press. Taurus applies a rear chin lock. Team Austin has complete control of the match during the commercial break.

The referee is trying to get Miguel out of the ring. Austin drags Alexander to the corner. Austin repeatedly stomps on Alexander’s chest. Austin applies a front face lock. Austin tags in Bey. Bey kicks Alexander in the gut. Bey kicks Alexander in the chest. Bey talks smack to Alexander. Alexander with a knife edge chop. Alexander whips Bey across the ring. Bey kicks Alexander in the chest. Bey goes for a Hurricanrana, but Alexander counters with The PowerBomb onto the knee. Miguel and Austin are tagged in. Miguel with two forearm smashes. Miguel ducks a clothesline from Austin. Miguel with a gut punch. Miguel tees off on Austin. Miguel whips Austin across the ring. Miguel with a running elbow smash. Miguel with  Headscissors Takeover. Miguel stomps on the midsection of Austin. Miguel applies The Pendulum. Miguel with a leaping elbow drop for a two count. Miguel ducks a clothesline from Taurus. Miguel with an Inverted Atomic Drop. Miguel with a knife edge chop. Miguel drops Taurus with The CodeBreaker. Miguel slams Austin’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Miguel drills Austin with The Cheeky Nando’s Kick. Miguel tags in Mack. Bey sends Miguel crashing to the outside.

Austin fights out of the electric chair position. Alexander slams Bey’s head on the top rope. Alexander with a Diving Crossbody Block through the ropes. Austin kicks the left hamstring of Mack. Austin with a forearm smash. Mack reverses out of the irish whip from Austin. Mack with The Pop Up Forearm Smash for a two count. Mack gets crotched on the top turnbuckle. Austin with a leaping forearm smash. Austin with a Leaping FrankenSteiner. Austin connects with The Fold for a two count. Taurus sends Miguel into the ropes. Taurus slips over Miguel’s back. Taurus with The Argentine BackBreaker. Alexander with a Release German Suplex. Austin side steps Alexander into the turnbuckles. Austin tags in Bey. Alexander denies The Spinning Heel Kick. Alexander applies The Ankle Lock. Bey drops Alexander with The SlingShot DDT. Mack responds with a Pop Up Forearm Smash. Mack with The Exploder Suplex. Mack dives over Bey. Bey delivers The ShotGun Dropkick. Austin kicks Mack in the back of the head. Bey plants Mack with The Art Of Finesse to pickup the victory. After the match, Miguel attacks Sami Callihan in the backstage area.

Winner: Chris Bey via Pinfall 

– This weeks IMPACT Plus! Flashback Moment Of The Week: The Decay vs. The BroMans From TNA Slammiversary 2016.

– Decay Vignette.

– Tenille Dashwood and Kaleb Konley continues to play mind games with Jessica Havok.

Third Match: The Good Brothers vs. XXXL 

Karl Anderson and Larry D will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Larry backs Anderson into the ropes. The referee calls for a clean break. Larry shoves Anderson. Larry mocks Anderson. Anderson kicks Larry in the gut. Anderson applies a side headlock. Larry whips Anderson across the ring. Larry drops Anderson with a shoulder tackle. Anderson drops down on the canvas. Anderson dropkicks the left knee of Larry. Anderson slams Larry’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Anderson tags in Gallows. Gallows kicks Larry in the gut. Gallows with The Fallaway Slam. Gallows levels Larry with a Body Avalanche. Gallows uppercuts Larry. Gallows HeadButts Larry. Gallows tags in Anderson. Anderson uppercuts Larry. Anderson tags in Gallows.

Gallows with a straight right hand. Larry rakes the eyes of Gallows. Larry applies a side headlock. Larry tags in Romero. Double Irish Whip. Gallows breaks through the double clothesline. Gallows clotheslines Larry. Romero refuses to go down. Gallows is throwing haymakers at Romero. Gallows with heavy bodyshots. Gallows uppercuts Romero. Gallows tags in Anderson. Anderson kicks Romero in the gut. Anderson rams his boot across Romero’s face. Anderson with two uppercuts. Anderson with a toe kick. Larry kicks Anderson in the back. Romero uppercuts Anderson. Larry with forearm shivers from the ring apron. Romero tags in Larry.

Larry targets the midsection of Anderson. Larry stomps on Anderson’s back. Larry kicks Anderson in the ribs. Larry puts his leg on the back of Anderson’s neck. Larry continues to dish out punches in the corner. Larry bodyslams Anderson. Larry applies a rear chin lock. Larry with clubbing blows to Anderson’s back. Anderson drops Larry with a Running European Uppercut. Anderson tags in Gallows. Gallows with two clotheslines. Gallows uppercuts Larry. Gallows kicks Romero out of the ring. Gallows with a Running Hip Attack. Gallows drops Larry with a Flying Shoulder Tackle. Gallows kicks Larry in the gut. Larry kicks Gallows in the face. Gallows responds with The RoundHouse Kick. Gallows tags in Anderson. Anderson knocks Romero off the apron. The Good Brothers connects with The Magic Killer to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Good Brothers via Pinfall 

– James Storm nearly got into a fight with Rohit Raju at Johnny Swinger’s Palace.

– IMPACT Rebellion 2021 will take place on April 24th.

– FinJuice weren’t quite impressed by The Good Brothers victory over XXXL.

– Brian Myers has acquired Mark Sterling as his new attorney. Sterling previously had experience being the lawyer for MJF.

Fourth Match: Eddie Edwards vs. Hernandez w/Brian Myers 

Edwards starts things off with The Suicide Dive. Myers backs away from Edwards. Hernandez kicks Edwards in the gut. Hernandez rolls Edwards back into the ring. Hernandez with The Stinger Splash. Hernandez with the irish whip. Hernandez nails Edwards with The Bell Clap. Edwards dumps Hernandez out of the ring. Hernandez knocks Edwards off the ring apron. Myers is raining down haymakers behind the referee’s back.

Myers tells Hernandez to finish him off. Hernandez goes for a Bodyslam, but Edwards lands back on his feet. Edwards applies a waist lock. Hernandez decks Edwards with a back elbow smash. Edwards with a knife edge chop. Hernandez delivers The Pounce. Edwards with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Hernandez denies The SuperPlex. Hernandez with Three HeadButts. Edwards hits The SuperPlex. Hernandez responds with a Body Block. Edwards negates The Border Toss. Edwards with a back elbow smash. Edwards connects with The Boston Knee Party off the second rope to pickup the victory.

Winner: Eddie Edwards via Pinfall 

Fifth Match: Jordynne Grace & Jazz vs. Kimber Lee & Susan Yung w/Deonna Purrazzo In A Number One Contender’s Match For The IMPACT Knockouts Tag Team Championship 

Jazz and Susan Yung will start things off. Yung with a waist lock go-behind. Jazz with an arm-drag takedown for a on count. Jazz applies a front face lock. Jazz transitions into a waist lock. Jazz rolls Yung over for a two count. Jazz with The Gator Roll for a two count. Jazz talks smack to Yung. Yung applies a side headlock. Jazz with heavy bodyshots. Jazz whips Yung across the ring. Jazz drops Yung with a shoulder tackle for a two count. Jazz with clubbing crossfaces for a two count. Jazz kicks Yung in the gut. Jazz nails Yung with The Bell Clap. Purrazzo trips Jazz from the outside. Yung attacks Jazz from behind. Purrazzo attacks Jazz behind the referee’s back. ODB comes out to even the odds. All hell is breaking loose in Nashville. The referee has ejected Purrazzo and ODB from the ringside area.

Lee and Yung has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Lee applies the half nelson chin lock. Jazz with elbows into the midsection of Jazz. Jazz ducks a clothesline from Lee. Jazz drops Lee with The Spinning Heel Kick for a two count. Lee with a Side Walk Slam for a two count. Lee tags in Yung. Yung punches Jazz in the back. Yung slams Jazz’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Yung is mauling Jazz in the corner. Following a snap mare takeover, Yung applies a rear chin lock. Yung sends Jazz shoulder first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Yung tags in Lee. Lee punches Jazz in the back. Lee slams Jazz’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Lee with a knife edge chop. Lee with the irish whip. Collision in the center of the ring.

Grace and Yung are tagged in. Grace clotheslines Yung. Grace scores the elbow knockdown. Grace drops Yung with a shoulder tackle. Grace whips Yung across the ring. Grace hits The SpineBuster for a two count. Jazz kicks Lee in the gut. Jazz dumps Lee out of the ring. Double GourdBuster for a two count. Grace applies The Torture Rack. Grace with The Release German Suplex. Grace kicks Yung in the chest. Yung hammers down on the back of Grace’s neck. Yung grabs the left ear of Grace. Yung kicks Grace in the face for a two count. Grace denies The Double Vertical Suplex. Jazz clotheslines Lee. Jazz shoves Lee out of the ring. Yung bites the left knee of Grace. Yung applies The Ankle Lock. Grace drives her knee into the midsection of Yung. Grace connects with The Grace Driver to pickup the victory. After the match, Grace and Jazz found ODB laid out in the backstage area.

Winner: Jordynne Grace & Jazz via Pinfall 

Sixth Match: Moose (c) vs. Jake Something For The TNA World Heavyweight Championship 

Something attacks Moose on the stage before the bell rings. Something tees off on Moose. Something repeatedly whips Moose into the steel barricade. Something and Moose are brawling around the ringside area. Something rolls Moose back into the ring. Moose tells Something to bring it. Something levels Moose with Two Body Avalanches. Something with a forearm smash. Moose answers with a Running European Uppercut. Moose with The Corner Dropkick. Moose is choking Something with his boot. Moose slaps Something in the chest. Moose talks smack to Something. Something with forearm shivers. Moose rakes the eyes of Something. Moose pulls Something down to the mat. Moose fish hooks Something. The referee admonishes Moose. Moose whips Something across the ring. Something holds onto the ropes. Something launches Moose over the top rope.

Moose sweeps Something off the ring apron. Moose sends Something chest first into the turnbuckles. Moose with another irish whip. Something side steps Moose into the turnbuckles. Something with three short-arm clotheslines. Moose HeadButts Something. Something with an Inside Out Lariat. Something hits The Michinoku Driver for a two count. Moose puts Something on the top turnbuckle. Moose dropkicks Something. Moose delivers The SuperPlex. Moose goes for The Spear, but Something counters with The SitDown PowerBomb for a two count. Something applies a front face lock. Forearm Exchange. Moose nails Something with The Pump Kick. Something with a forearm smash. Moose with Two Uranage Slams. Moose connects with The Ripcord Lariat. Moose plants Something with The Spear to pickup the victory. After the match, Moose blasts Something with a steel chair. Rich Swann storms into the ring to make the save. Swann tees off on Moose. Swann and Moose are held back by the security team and officials. Scott D’Amore informs us that Moose will finally get his IMPACT World Championship Match At Sacrifice on March 13th.

Winner: Still TNA World Heavyweight Champion, Moose via Pinfall

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