
IMPACT Wrestling Results 3/31/22


IMPACT Wrestling Results 3/31/22
2300 Arena
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

You can follow me on Twitter @JoshLopezMedia

Commentary Team (Tom Hannifan & Matthew Rehwoldt) 

Transcription by Josh Lopez

First Match: Jonathan Gresham vs. Kenny King 

King shoves Gresham before the bell rings. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Gresham with a side headlock takeover. King answers with the headscissors escape. King talks smack to Gresham. Strong lockup. King backs Gresham into the ropes. King delivers a cheap shot behind the referee’s back. King dumps Gresham out of the ring. Gresham immediately slides back into the ring. Gresham tells King to bring it. Back to the collar and elbow tie up. Gresham ducks under two clotheslines from King. Gresham applies a wrist lock. King drives his knee into the midsection of Gresham. King tosses Gresham out of the ring. Gresham has no time for King’s ringside shenanigans. King kicks Gresham in the gut. King sends Gresham to the ring apron. King rakes the eyes of Gresham. King with The Slingshot Corkscrew Pescado. King transitions into a ground and pound attack. King kicks Gresham in the ribs. King resets the referee’s ten count. King with a Snap Vertical Suplex on the floor.

King rolls Gresham back into the ring. Gresham decks King with a back elbow smash. King sweeps out the legs of Gresham. King kicks Gresham in the chest. Gresham avoids The Roundhouse Kick. Gresham kicks the left knee of King. Gresham dropkicks King. Gresham unloads two knife edge chops. King reverses out of the irish whip from Gresham. Gresham dives over King. King launches Gresham over the top rope. Gresham with The Dragon Screw Leg Whip on the middle rope. Gresham goes for a Flying Crossbody Block, but King ducks out of the way. King has complete control of the match during the commercial break. King with a chop/forearm combination. Gresham blocks a boot from King. King with a Back Heel Kick. King hits The SpineBuster for a two count. Gresham fights out of the fireman’s carry position.

King denies the drop toe hold. King slaps Gresham in the face. Gresham clips the left knee of King. King decks Gresham with a back elbow smash. Rollup Exchange. Gresham with a knee drop. Gresham with a basement forearm for a two count. King kicks Gresham in the face. King ducks a clothesline from Gresham. King goes for The Full Nelson Slam, but Gresham rolls him over for a two count. King sends Gresham chest first into the turnbuckles. King with The Snap Dragon Suplex. King with The Tiger Driver for a two count. Gresham fights out of the fireman’s carry position. King with an inside cradle for a two count. King starts favoring his left knee. Gresham repeatedly kicks the left hamstring of King. Gresham applies The Figure Four Leg Lock. Gresham connects with The Figure Four Pin to pickup the victory. After the match, Eddie Edwards attacks Gresham from behind. King rocks Gresham with a forearm smash. Edwards prepares for The Boston Knee Party. Rocky Romero storms into the ring to make the save. Gresham and Romero dropkicks Honor No More to the floor.

Winner: Jonathan Gresham via Pinfall 

– Trey Miguel had a backstage confrontation with Mike Bailey.

Second Match: The Good Brothers vs. Johnny Swinger & Zicky Dice

DOC Gallows and Zicky Dice will start things off. Gallows uppercuts Dice. Gallows with The Fallaway Slam. Gallows levels Dice with The Body Avalanche. Gallows with The Roundhouse Kick. Gallows tags in Anderson. Good Brothers connects with The Magic Killer to pickup the victory.

Winner: The Good Brothers via Pinfall 

Third Match: Josh Alexander vs. Madman Fulton w/Ace Austin 

Alexander dodges The Big Boot. Alexander applies a waist lock. Fulton decks Alexander with clubbing elbow smashes. Alexander with a German Suplex. Alexander follows that with a corner clothesline. Alexander hits The Exploder Suplex. Alexander blocks a boot from Fulton. Alexander kicks the left hamstring of Fulton. Alexander clotheslines Fulton over the top rope. Fulton with a gut punch. Forearm Exchange. Alexander uppercuts Fulton. Alexander rolls Fulton back into the ring.

Alexander kicks Fulton in the gut. Alexander goes for The C4 Spike, but Fulton blocks it. Fulton with a forearm smash. Alexander denies The Chokeslam. Alexander rocks Fulton with a forearm smash. Alexander with a Release German Suplex. Alexander PowerBombs Fulton. Alexander makes Fulton tap out to The Ankle Lock. Afte the match, Alexander refuses to let go of the hold. Ace Austin was hesitant to get back into the ring. Fulton attacks Alexander from behind. Alexander with a single leg takedown. Alexander cranks on the left ankle of Fulton. Austin retreats to the backstage area.

Winner: Josh Alexander via Submission 

Fourth Match: Number One Contender’s Knockouts Battle Royal 

The Participants (Jordynne Grace, Rosemary, Jessica Havok, Jessie McKay, Savannah Evans, Tenille Dashwood, Madison Rayne, Alisha Edwards, Lady Frost and Gisele Shaw) 

The Order Of Eliminations 

1.) Alisha Edwards was eliminated by Jessica Havok

2.) Jessica Havok was eliminated by Savannah Evans

3.) Tenille Dashwood was eliminated by Jessie McKay

4.) Madison Rayne was eliminated by Jordynne Grace

5.) Jessie McKay was eliminated by Savannah Evans

6.) Jordynne Grace was eliminated by Savannah Evans

7.) Savannah Evans was eliminated by Rosemary, Lady Frost and Gisele Shaw

8.) Gisele Shaw was eliminated by Rosemary

9.) Lady Frost was eliminated by Rosemary

Winner: Rosemary 

Fifth Match: Bhupinder Gujjar vs. Aiden Prince 

Brian Myers joins the commentary team for this match. Gujjar avoids a cross chop from Prince. Gujjar with forearm shivers. Prince ducks a clothesline from Gujjar. Prince applies a side headlock. Gujjar whips Prince across the ring. Prince runs into Gujjar. Prince pie faces Gujjar. Prince with a shoulder block. Gujjar answers with a shoulder tackle that sends Prince tumbling to the floor. Gujjar pulls Prince back into the ring. Prince begs for mercy. Gujjar blocks a boot from Prince. Gujjar with a forearm smash. Gujjar dumps Prince out of the ring. Prince regroups on the outside. Gujjar with two forearm smashes. Gujjar with a knife edge chop. Gujjar rocks Prince with a forearm smash. Gujjar rolls Prince back into the ring. Prince kicks Gujjar in the face. Gujjar catches Prince in mid-air. Gujjar Powerslams Prince for a two count.

Gujjar tees off on Prince. Gujjar sends Prince to the corner. Prince kicks Gujjar in the face. Prince with combination forearms. Prince with The Rolling Elbow. Prince is putting the boots to Gujjar. Prince repeatedly stomps on Gujjar’s chest. Prince with a Flying Boot. Gujjar responds with The SlingBlade. Gujjar levels Prince with The Body Avalanche. Gujjar with another Powerslam for a two count. Gujjar drives his knee into the midsection of Prince. Gujjar whips Prince across the ring. Prince slaps Gujjar in the back. Prince drills Gujjar with The BrainBuster. Prince goes for The 450 Splash, but Gujjar ducks out of the way. Gujjar connects with The Flying Spear to pickup the victory. After the match, Myers gets into a brawl with William Morrissey. Morrissey sends Myers face first into the steel ring post. Myers denies The BQE. Myers retreats to the backstage area. Prince shoves Morrissey. Morrissey delivers The BQE through the announce table.

Winner: Bhupinder Gujjar via Pinfall 

Sixth Match: Masha Slamovich vs. Abby Jane 

Slamovich is not impressed with Jane. Jane with forearm shivers across the back of Slamovich. Jane drives her knee into the midsection of Slamovich. Short-Arm Reversal by Slamovich. Slamovich with The Snap Dragon Suplex. Slamovich with The Roundhouse Kick. Slamovich connects with The Snow Plow to pickup the victory.

Winner: Masha Slamovich via Pinfall 

Line Up For IMPACT Multiverses Of Matches 

1.) Alex Shelley vs. Mike Bailey

2.) The Influence (c) w/Kaleb Konley vs. Tasha Steelz & Savannah Evans vs. The Decay vs. Lady Frost & Gisele Shaw In A Fatal Four Way Match For The IMPACT Knockouts World Tag Team Championship

3.) Eddie Edwards vs. Tomohiro Ishii

4.) Trey Miguel (c) vs. Chris Bey vs. Jordynne Grace vs. Rich Swann vs. Vincent vs. Blake Christian In An Ultimate X Match For The IMPACT X-Division Championship

5.) Nick Aldis & Mickie James vs. Matt Cardona & Chelsea Green

6.) Jay White vs. Chris Sabin

7.) Deonna Purrazzo (c) vs. TBD For Either The ROH Women’s World Championship Or The AAA Reina De Reinas Championship

8.) The Good Brothers vs. The Briscoes

9.) Moose & PCO vs. Josh Alexander & JONAH

Seventh Match: Bullet Club (Jay White & Chris Bey) vs. The Motor City Machine Guns 

Jay White and Chris Sabin will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. White backs Sabin into the turnbuckles. White with a shoulder block. White kicks Sabin in the gut. White with a straight right hand. White with a knife edge chop. White sends Sabin to the corner. Sabin side steps White into the turnbuckles. Sabin ducks a clothesline from White. Sabin with a SpringBoard Crossbody Block. Sabin unloads two knife edge chops. White rakes the eyes of Sabin. White with a blistering chop. Sheeley made the blind tag. Sabin leapfrogs over White. Sabin kicks White in the gut. Shelley with a shoulder block. Shelley with a Top Rope JawBreaker. Sabin sweeps out the legs of White. Shelley with The Slingshot Splash. Sabin with The Slingshot Senton. Bey is throwing haymakers at MCMG. MCMG gangs up on Bey. Shelley with a forearm shot across the back of White. Shelley drives White back first into the turnbuckles. Shelley with a shoulder block. Shelley tags in Sabin. Double Irish Whip. Double Elbow Knockdown. Knee Drop/SomerSault Senton Combination for a two count.

Sabin applies a rear chin lock. Sabin transitions into The Cobra Twist. White denies The Hangman’s NeckBreaker. Sabin with forearm shivers. Bey kicks Sabin in the back. White attacks Sabin from behind. Sabin reverses out of the irish whip from White. White knocks Shelley off the ring apron. White side steps Sabin into the turnbuckles. White drops Sabin with The DDT. Bey with a Flying Crossbody Block. Bullet Club has complete control of the match during the commercial break. White with a knife edge chop. White tags in Bey. Bey is choking Sabin with his boot. Bey poses for the crowd. Sabin with heavy bodyshots. Bey punches Sabin in the back. Bey with the snap elbow drop. Bey starts choking Sabin. Bey goes into the lateral press for a two count. Bey uppercuts the back of Sabin’s neck for a two count. The referee is trying to calm down Shelley. Bey continues to choke Sabin with his boot. Bey slams Sabin’s head on the top turnbuckle pad. Bey tags in White.

White repeatedly stomps on Sabin’s chest. Bey attacks Sabin behind the referee’s back. White tags in Bey. White drives his knee into the midsection of Sabin. Double Irish Whip. Sabin side steps Bey into White. Sabin tags in Shelley. Shelley ducks a clothesline from Bey. Shelley with The Rolling Elbow. Shelley with a knee lift. Shelley follows that with The DDT/Flatliner Combination for a two count. Shelley applies The Border City Stretch. White rakes the eyes of Shelley. Sabin dumps White out of the ring. Bey with two gut punches. MCMG with combination lariats to Bey. White pulls Sabin out of the ring. Bey drops Shelley with a Step Up Enzuigiri for a two count. Bey transitions into a ground and pound attack. Bey stands on the back of Shelley’s neck. White uses the middle rope as a weapon. Bey applies the cravate. Shelley with heavy bodyshots. Bey answers with a knee lift. White grabs Shelley from behind. Shelley kicks Bey in the face. Shelley decks White with a back elbow smash. Shelley side steps Bey into the turnbuckles. White pulls Shelley out of the ring. Bey inadvertently clocks White with The Suicide Dive. Shelley tags in Sabin. Sabin blasts Bey with The PK. Sabin with a Flying Cannonball Senton off the apron. Sabin delivers The Missile Dropkick. Sabin gets Bey tied up in the tree of woe. White attacks Sabin. Sabin reverses out of the irish whip from White. Sabin with The Running Boot. Sabin with a Hesitation Dropkick.

Sabin dropkicks White to the floor. MCMG hits The Thunder Express for a two count. All hell starts breaking in Philly. Sabin denies The Blade Runner. Bey kicks Sabin in the face. White dumps Sabin out of the ring. Bey lands The SomerSault Plancha. Bey rolls Sabin back into the ring. White with The BladeBuster. Bey connects with The Flying Splash for a two count. White rocks Shelley with a forearm smash. White tosses Shelley out of the ring. White argues with the referee. Sabin takes a swipe at White. Bey rolls Sabin over for a two count. Bey with a Superman Forearm Smash. Sabin hammers down on the back of Bey’s neck. Sabin drops White with The Dragon Screw Leg Whip. Bey answers with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Standing Switch Exchange. Sabin nails Bey with The Cutter. MCMG with Skull And Bones for a two count. Misfired Blade Runners. Inverted Atomic Drop/Dropkick Combination. Muta Lock/Basement Dropkick Combination. Apron Enzuigiri/Running Boot Combination to Bey. White negates Made In Detroit. Sabin negates The Art Of Finesse. White drops Sabin with The Half & Half Suplex. Bey plants Sabin with The Art Of Finesse to pickup the victory.

Winner: Bullet Club via Pinfall

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