
Jack Swagger On His Phone Call With Donald Trump & More


Jack Swagger was a recent guest on WINCLY. During the appearance, he confirmed a rumor that was floating around about a phone conversation that took place between Donald Trump and himself. He also discussed a Pro-Trump angle that he pitched to WWE creative while he was still with the company. Here are the highlights:

On His Phone Call With Donald Trump:

Yeah, he called me; it was great. Very honored and we talked briefly. We had met before at a WWE event in Green Bay and he was at WrestleMania 29 where he sat by my wife in the front row. [Trump’s] an old family friend and he was proud of the hard work he saw a real American doing.”

On The Parallels Between His WWE Gimmick & Trump’s Campaign Slogans:

There’s definitely some similarities in the rhetoric and terms. But I don’t think we had anything to do with it. That was 2013 [at WrestleMania 29] and he definitely pulled Zeb aside and told him he liked it. I’m sure it was already brewing because you could see the problems in the country.

On Pitching A Pro-Trump Angle To Vince:

[Vince McMahon] didn’t want to do it. I was like, ‘C’mon Vince, you could tell your friend that you put him in the White House!’ But he didn’t want to mess with our President, which I’m glad we didn’t now. But it would have been an honor as we would have been his lackeys and agreed with everything he did.

You can listen to the podcast below:

Credit: WINCLY.

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