– On this week’s Dinner With The King co-hosts Jerry “The King” Lawler and Glenn More dedicate the episode to “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair. They two talk about Flair’s condition. Here are some highlights from the Dinner With The King.
Lawler On About Flair’s current situation:
“Charlotte’s tweet, while it didn’t give people a whole lot of information, it didn’t seem as dire. It almost made you feel a little better about Ric’s situation. But still, we don’t know.
We think the world of Ric Flair. He’s the greatest of all-time. It’s a well-deserved handle for Ric. And we wish him the best. And hopefully he’ll make a full recovery from this and be back walking past us at a bar sometime in the near future going wooo! C’mon, Ric. Kick out!”
Lawler On ‘The Demon’ Finn Balor:
“I’ve been waiting on this for a long time – Demon Finn Balor. That’s been my one gripe about Finn Balor. I think we need less Finn Balor and more Demon. I realize that’s cumbersome and time-consuming to get into that character and to become the Demon. But I think it’s worth it.”
Also, Lawler shares that his pilot episode of Jerry Lawler Classic Memphis Wrestling has been picked up and they will begin shooting episodes soon.
“We did a pilot episode of our classic wrestling show here in Memphis. And it got picked up! September 9, we are going to get Bill Dundee back in the studio and we are going to shoot the first episode of Jerry Lawler’s Classic Memphis Wrestling. The Memphis wrestling that everybody grew up here in Memphis watching Saturday mornings. That’s going to be a weekly show coming up in Memphis on Channel 30, CW 30 here in Memphis.”