On Wrestlecade from Winston-Salem, NC. Jim Cornette w/ Dan Severn had a match against Josh “The Goods” Woods and won the match.
They says this was going to be the last time Jim Cornette was working as a manager. He took the mic and put over Severn’s accomplishments.
After the match, Cornette and Severn both praised Woods for his athletic ability and potential.
Cornette put over Severn for all of his athletic ability and for being someone who has wrestled as an amateur and a professional since he was 7 or 8 years old and who represented the United States all over the world.
Cornette Said:
After 35 years, this would be the last match he would manage at ringside. He said that if he keeps doing this, he was going to end up hurting himself and everyone would laugh at him. He said that if he was done, he wanted it to be in the Carolinas and with someone like Severn he respects. He said that if it wasn’t for the Carolinas, Dusty Rhodes, Jim Crockett Promotions and The Midnight Express, he wouldn’t be here. He said that he wanted to thank the fans, their parents and grandparents because without them, he wouldn’t have had the best time of his career. It was a great speech, better than the match,