Source: JR’s BBQ
Jim Ross posted on his blog at Here are some highlights:
Raw’s co-main events and who he think will win at Extreme Rules:
“Enjoyed the two main event bouts including Reigns vs Rollins and the 3-Way between Finn Balor, Samoa Joe, and Bray Wyatt, which all seemed to deliver as expected Monday night. These five will seemingly be counted on to deliver a strong, show closing presentation on Sunday night on the WWE Network during Extreme Rules from Baltimore. As I said on this week’s Ross Report Podcast, I see Finn Balor winning the main event Sunday at Extreme Rules which earns him a title bout with Brock Lesnar. Good luck on that one, Lad.”
The SmackDown Women’s Division and their upcoming Money in the Bank Ladder Match:
“SDLive saw the five women who were featured arguably ‘Steal the show’ Tuesday night in Atlanta. The SDLive women especially seems to relish in raising the athletic bar and to continue to break barriers previously set by their predecessors. From the cold open, where we heard sound bytes from the participants which made the match have more clout and importance, this was a memorable night for SDLive’s women. The creative felt right and the women including Charlotte, Nattie, Carmella, Becky Lynch, and Tamina all carried their share of the water in successfully building to the first ever MITB Women’s match in St Louis at the Money in the Bank event. It’s arguable that the women of SDLive are seemingly taking more advantage of maximizing their minutes in the ring and on TV in general. The risk/reward ratio is arguably never been higher for any female athlete in WWE to date with the booking of the MITB Match. Obviously these women will do all that they can to deliver a memorable outing at MITB, which likely concerns some fans, as it should.”
AJ Styles losing in his hometown against Dolph Ziggler:
“AJ Styles losing in ATL, his home market, was a bit of a surprise but not totally shocking. Other than seemingly taking the air out of the live audience a bit I see no issues with this outcome and for those who complain about the overall genre generally being too predictable, this outcome should have been acceptable to some degree. I thought the two had an enjoyable bout.”