The big push Jinder Mahal is currently receiving could’ve almost happened on Impact Wrestling instead … because the wrestler says he met with company officials before re-signing with WWE.
Jinder appeared on Talk is Jericho this week and discussed being brought back to WWE when the draft occurred and how he had coincidentally planned a meeting with Impact before getting the call.
“There was a PPV in Orlando on the Sunday, so I live in Tampa, they were like ‘yeah can you come and talk to us on the Sunday? We wanna talk to you.’” Mahal continued, “Saturday, the day before, [Mark] Carrano called me. ‘Jinder, we wanna sign you back.’”
Based on the timeline, this would’ve occurred during the Billy Corgan era in TNA. Mahal confirms he had the meeting, but knew in his heart that he wanted to return to WWE.
Jinder added, “I sat literally for 2 years, nobody cared me, because I didn’t care! All of a sudden when I started caring, other people started caring.”
The full episode can be HEARD HERE. (Impact talk starts at 19:55)