– According to Deadline.com, Batista will be starring in an action-comedy film, Stuber. Batista plays the role of a “very determined detective who commandeers an unsuspecting Uber driver named Stu into a harrowing evening of hijinks and mayhem.” Some of Batista’s other upcoming films are: Avengers: Infinity War, Hotel Artemis, and Escape Plan 2.
Last month, Batista made an appearanceon The Ross Report and said he had talked recently to Vince McMahon about a return to WWE.
– The National spoke with John Cena about doing voice work for the animated movie, Ferdinand. He also talked about what type of product the WWE is and how they enjoy telling stories to fans.
“We’re open about the fact we’re entertainment,” Cena said.”It’s even in our name, World Wrestling Entertainment. We don’t try and put it past people that we are anything more than entertainment, whether you like our particular brand of entertainment or not. We enjoy what we do and there are people around the world that enjoy the stories that we tell.”