John Cena recently The Hollywood Reporter to promote his movie “The Wall” and expressed interest in playing Vince McMahon in the movie that is reportedly in the works. Cena did admit the role might not be for him. He said:
“There is a story out there about the life and times of Vince McMahon. Man, I think it is a wonderful script from word one. But unfortunately, that would be something I’d love to do, but I feel maybe a different actor should do that movie, just because of how powerful the story is, and I would hate for the audience to feel that it is a WWE-produced product. And that’s not in a bad way, it’s just I want them to feel the emotion that I felt reading the script. I can just tell you that it’s out there and that it’s awesome and man, if it were all different, I would certainly love to step into Vince’s shoes.”
– WWE Espanol tweeted this video of Stephanie McMahon speaking in Spanish to wish fans in a Mexico a Happy Mother’s Day as the holiday was celebrated there this past Wednesday.
Hoy les deseamos un #FelizDiadelasMadres a todas las mamás del Universo Hispano de #WWE! @StephMcMahon
— WWE Español (@wweespanol) May 10, 2017