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Johnny Impact Speaks On Signing with GFW, Future Of Lucha Underground

Recently Johnny Impact was guest on Ring Rust Radio. He spoke on some wrestling topics, including on signing with GFW. Here are the highlights from the interview:

On signing with GFW:

“So I’ve been in talks with people from TNA and GFW for a long time. Big John Gaburick, Taz, Lagana, Jarrett, and really what it came down to was it was a great opportunity and it didn’t feel like I was going to miss out or lose anything by signing with GFW. It’s a deal that’s been worked out with AAA where I’m still going to be on AAA and Lucha Underground and now I’m going to be on Impact and Pop TV every Thursday night too. So it seemed like a no-brainer. The circumstances under which I was approached prior to this time were not the same way. So right now it feels like I’m getting my cake and getting to eat it too. Maybe like a protein cake maybe with paleo ice cream on the side cause you know how I feel about carbs. I do have a sweet tooth. My saving grace is that I’m OCD about working out so if at night if I’m eating ice cream the next morning I’m doing cardio. That’s only thing I’ve ever been addicted to which I guess in the grand scheme of things isn’t so bad to be addicted to training.”

On the future of Lucha Underground:

“I’m very confident that there’s going to be another season of Lucha Underground. The factor that went into my decision in going to Impact was really that it felt like it was a great opportunity for me to get to do everything. Impact, Lucha, AAA, and it doesn’t feel like I’m really given up anything. Lucha Underground was on hiatus for so long I haven’t been doing any new wrestling for a TV show in over a year and I was starting to feel a little antsy in the pantsy to get out in the ring and do something in front of national audience. This opportunity with Impact came up and I felt like I needed to jump on it. Antsy in the pantsy? Ever see the movie Super Troopers? It comes from Super Troopers with the maple syrup and they get all syrupy and antsy in the pantsy, it’s just a funny thing to say.”


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