Kenny King had an interview with The Baltimore Sun, he talked about the difference between ROH, WWE and GFW. Some of the Highlights from the interview are below:
On how ROH differs from WWE and Impact Wrestling:
“I think the big difference is the crowds. Ring of Honor just as an atmosphere, the electricity of it, that’s hard to replicate anywhere. I’ve been blessed to have wrestled all over the world. I’ve wrestled in Wembley Arena (in London), I just was blessed enough to wrestle in Arena Mexico. But if you get 3500 in the Hammerstein for a Ring of Honor show, it just feels like a whole other planet. People are invested emotionally, physically, they are willing to give everything. They’re willing to give as much energy towards the ring as we are giving in the ring. You can ask guys who have wrestled at WrestleMania and other places like that. They’ll tell you the same thing. It’s hard to match or emulate the atmosphere at a Ring of Honor show.”
On whether Ring of Honor is the number two wrestling promotion in the US:
“That’s the biggest difference between my first time in Ring of Honor and now. I think before it was always the little promotion that could. Before it was something that you check out if you want real wrestling, if you want a break from WWE. It was always in this place that it had to prove itself using WWE as a model. Now, ROH is in a place where it’s carved its own niche. It moved from being a niche promotion to really carving its own niche for itself. Wrestling in general is at a place where people are seeking out wrestling that isn’t WWE. If you’re doing that you’re looking for something. People keep finding Ring of Honor, and loving Ring of Honor, because people love wrestling. Yes people love the theatrics and the storylines and the promos and all that other stuff too, but people love wrestling when it gets down to it. Ring of Honor has established itself as a place where if you love wrestling, you have to check that place out.”
On getting an opportunity to work in NJPW:
“That’s a goal for me. I love New Japan Pro Wrestling, and I have a lot of respect for all the guys that are there. I would have to imagine that should I be victorious over KUSHIDA for one of his world titles, that would make New Japan kind of sit up and take notice. Whether it’s with ROH at first or not, I definitely want to get to Japan and work over there.”