Source: E&C’s Pod Of Awesomeness
Recently IWGP United States Heavyweight Champion Kenny Omega was a guest on E&C’s Pod Of Awesomeness. Among other things, Omega talked about leaving WWE developmental preoblem.
According to Omega his goal was always to work in Japan, even when he was with WWE’s developmental territory at the time, Deep South Wrestling.
“Even coming in to going to developmental, my end goal and the place I always wanted to be was Japan still, so I went into developmental wishing I could be in Japan or at least having experienced that first.” Omega considered, “looking back at it now, maybe I wasn’t mature enough or I couldn’t… I mean, I loved wrestling and it was such a passion of mine to… and I mean the artistic and creative part of wrestling and actually the act of doing it. I didn’t love the business part of it, if that makes sense.”
Omega claimed that he became disillusioned by WWE’s developmental system because he was creatively stifled.
“I felt like any attempt to show my personality was sabotaged in a way a little bit. I would have a move, for example, and then, I’d have somebody tell me exactly why it makes no sense, but really, nothing makes sense. It’s so easy to [say that a pro wrestling move makes no sense].” Omega added, “so I was kind of mindf–ked a little bit and I started to, not lose confidence in myself, but just kind of lose confidence in the system.”