– Kevin Owens recently spoke with The Canton Rep to promote Sunday’s WWE live event in Canton, Ohio. The full interview can be found at this link. Below are highlights:
Becoming the Superstar fans love to hate:
“There’s really no character. The abrasive personality I have on television is who I am if you insult me. If you get on my bad side, I’m not gonna be nice.”
Dealing with internet trolls:
“There’s a lot of disrespectful people on Twitter. A lot of people will say that it comes with what you do. You’re on ‘Raw’ and on ‘Smackdown,’ and you do some questionable things on television, so of course people are gonna come at you on Twitter, but I don’t see why I shouldn’t have the opportunity to answer. Some people are out of line. Some are just straight-up idiots. People get real powerful when all they have to worry about is typing little things on a computer or on a smartphone. They know they’ll never have to answer for the things they say. I’ve had some really awful things written about me, and my family, even. There’s a lot of disgusting people on there, but I for one don’t shy away from it. I like to expose it, because I feel like it’s almost the only way anyone receives any consequences for stuff they say. That’s just who I am. I was doing that before I got to WWE, and now that I’m here, I still do it.”
Going for the WWE World Heavyweight Title:
“I think I’m already in consideration for that. I’m being put in the ring with guys like Roman Reigns, I’m main-eventing a lot of the live events, and I’ve only been here for seven months. I don’t think me becoming WWE world champion is at all out of the realm of possibility. It could happen at any time. I think it might be something that’s very shocking to a lot of people, but I’ve been doing this for 15 years. I feel like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, and I honestly think whether it’s sooner or later, I will be WWE champion.”