The last time we saw Raw General Manager Kurt Angle working a match it was at Survivor Series in November of last year and, well, he didn’t look so good. Later, we found out he was dealing with injuries at the time and it wasn’t just that he’s getting long in the tooth and simply doesn’t have it anymore.
You may still think that, however, and if you do he’s looking forward to proving you wrong at WrestleMania 34, as he said in a recent Facebook Q&A session:
“I’ve wanted to perform at Wrestlemania for the past 5 years. I’m back and I’m grateful to be in a spot that I feel great about. Teaming up w Ronda and competing against HHH/Steph is one of the best spots on the card. I’m excited to show the world I still got it. I was injured at Survivor Series so I was very limited. But now I’m looking forward to WM34.”
Granted, he said his injury prior to Survivor Series came during training, and we’re still a month out from WrestleMania. That said, WWE is counting on him in a big way here, considering he may have to do most of the heavy lifting in what will be Ronda Rousey’s first pro wrestling match.
We’ll see just yet if he’s really up for it.