Ronda Rousey should have a mouthpiece.
Declaring Rousey’s mic skills in a WWE setting as great or terrible after just two days would be unfair and ridiculous. She was giddy at Elimination Chamber as a long time fan signing a contract, which made sense. The important thing was she turns on the anger and intensity when prompted and provoked.
RAW was a better and easier performance for her. She’ll get better and more comfortable with time.
Even if Rousey was Shakespeare at writing her WWE promos, a storyline manager out there promoting and touting her would be appropriate to her image. Appropriate to the legit fighter image and gimmick she’ll be presented as in WWE.
She needs an advocate.
Rousey doesn’t need Paul Heyman, but she should have Paul Heyman. With Brock Lesnar’s WWE days possibly being numbered, it will open up the need and ability for Heyman to take on a new client.
As a former MMA fighter – Rousey’s fighting background would be complimented perfectly with the confident strut of Heyman trailing behind her. Her big fight feel is perfect for the gusto only Heyman can spit out introducing her and eventually holding up a championship title.
With Heyman as manager, Rousey wouldn’t and shouldn’t be mute. It would be a similar relationship to Heyman managing CM Punk. Some things make sense for Heyman to convey while others can come straight from the client’s mouth.
Rousey can look tough and she can talk tough. The hard-hitting, trash-talking sound bytes can come from her. But the longer formed storytelling should come from the fast-talking New Yorker.
All the talk of the revolution and evolution of the women’s division, inserting Heyman’s appearance in it would give it another notch of endorsement. One of the best talkers / managers ever appearing in a division that doesn’t normally have managers anyways would be huge.
This shouldn’t happen until after WrestleMania. Rousey will have more than enough going on around her in this inevitable mixed-tag match at WrestleMania. After Mania, whenever her next build to a match is, that’s when the reveal should come.
Perhaps playing off this “contract” she just signed and The Authority wanting to take advantage of her. She can tell them and the world moving forward she has new representation. This followed by a few seconds of silence and then the loud announcement of “Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman.”
Join me and Chair Shot Reality on April 8th in New Orleans for our annual pre-WrestleMania party at Spirits on Bourbon, 1-3pm. Special guests Tommy Dreamer, Noelle Foley and Mr. Anderson. Free Q&A. $20 meet and greet for each. Special VIP includes lunch with Noelle.