Lex Luger was a guest on MLW Radio’s “Total Engagement”. During the interview, he discussed wrestling hour long matches against Ric Flair when he was a rookie, how his religion changed his life for the better and more. Here are the highlights:
On How He Used To Act & How His Faith Changed Him:
It would be hard to exaggerate. That’s who I was back then and then I’m not proud of it but that’s who I was back then and thankfully, my life has changed. I know Matt that you know that I had an up close and personal transformation in my life on April 23rd of 2006 when a jail chaplain I met in jail introduced me to Jesus…my life my purpose completely changed at that point. My outlook on life, I had a peace I’ve never had. Chasing it every other way before then and I’m very thankful for that. It took the focus off me, which was always my focus back then, and put it on to honoring God and serving other people and it made life a lot simpler for me and boy, I had moments of happiness back then don’t get me wrong, but I now have a true fulfillment and joy in my life and that’s really the difference. I really can’t take credit for that, that’s all about God. It really is.
On Having People Peel His Shrimp For Him:
It would. Yeah, I could be a real prima-donna and that kind of thing. I had a real thing about my hands always being clean and stuff. I was an original hand sanitizer guy so I don’t recall that specific incident with that, but that would definitely fit the “Old Lex” (I call him). That definitely would have fit the “Old Lex” MO for sure.
On The Apter Magazines Helping His Career Early On:
I didn’t know back then that was a big deal of how the wrestling fans around the country got their first exposure to me. Yeah, that was a huge factor in me getting such a, I call it the “Fourth of July Fireworks” that really basing me for 15 years. I got a rocket ship start and the magazines definitely played a big part in that for sure. I’m very appreciative of that looking back now.
On Being Introduced To Crockett Promotions:
Initially it was ‘The Nature Boy’ Ric Flair who came down and wrestled me an hour broadway. I’d only been wrestling six months. Somehow got me through the match (that’s a whole story into itself) and I’ll never forget Ric called a sunset flip in the match, I didn’t know what a sunset flip was which is a very basic move in wrestling. He goes ‘oh my goodness’…He must have seen something good out of that hour that what I thought was a debacle and Ric went back and talked to Dusty and the Crocketts and they ended up offering me to bring me in a few months later.
On Whether He Was Promised Anything To Join The Four Horsemen:
I was taking it as it came, no big promises were made to me. They didn’t have to promise me I looked at it as a step up, this is a big opportunity. I did know enough about wrestling to know that.
On Not Knowing Who The Four Horsemen Were:
I did not know how big it was. I didn’t know how big the Horsemen were, I’ve heard of them.
Only guy I knew in the Horsemen or ever met was Ric Flair and I didn’t even know what JJ, Tully, Arn or Ole even looked like, believe it or not. Yeah. That’s how clueless I was on that.
You can listen to the podcast below: