Luke Harper spoke with Chuck Carroll of CBS Local Sports on Vince McMahon’s involvement with the Bludgeon Brothers, when a local talent screamed during one of his matches, and the best WWE actor. Here are some of the highlights:
Vince McMahon’s impact on the Bludgeon Brothers:
“Yep. It’s a huge stamp of his. And then it’s just me and Rowan just being a couple of no-nonsense, don’t-care-about-anybody, go-to-the-ring-and-do-what-we-wanna-do kind of business now. And I’m way more comfortable with that. So I’m cool with it.”
His favorite actor out of The Rock, John Cena, The Miz, and Batista:
“Clearly big Dave Batista. Just because my son adores the character, and I think the movie’s awesome, and I think big Dave’s awesome as a person. But outside of that, I would say that I’m a close number two.”
During one of his matches when a local talent screamed while taking a move (:50 mark in the video below):
“I didn’t hear it. I did the move and we get to the back, and somebody goes ‘Hey, man, how bout that scream?’ I didn’t know what they were talking about, and Rowan turns to me, and he goes ‘Was that you?’ And I go ‘No!’ So, then finally the kid comes back, and I didn’t see him. But they said that he did it, and then I watched it back, and I was like ‘Oh, my God!’ And I must have watched it 30-50 times by now.”