
Nen Master Added to DNF Duel


DNF Duel is still a pretty popular fighting game, getting quite a bit of attention from Arc System Works. The latest character announced for the game is Nen Master, a fresh take and the last character from the game’s current Season pass. They’re based off of the similarly named archetype from the source material.

DNF Duel is on the smaller side for Arc games. The developer is behind tons of the biggest anime fighting games, most recently with the release of Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising. DNF Duel isn’t included in the Arc World Tour anymore, but updates like this show there’s still plenty of room for the title to grow. Who is Nen Master and what’s coming to the game with their addition?

Nen Master - DNF Duel

Source: Arc System Works

Nen Master Arrives in DNF Duel

This month, a fresh character is hitting DNF Duel along with the release of a big new patch. The title has already had a few new characters added so far, like Battle Mage. However, Nen Master is clearly something fresh. She is a 2nd Awakening for a character in the game already.

Nen Master is set to close out the season pass for the game. They’re the final character is this current pass, first announced back in May. They’ll be unlocked for players who already have these extra characters in the season pass, or you can get them independently if you want to complete your DNF Duel roster. We’re not sure where the game is going with support and new characters after this update, but they are going to help fill out more styles of character in the game. It might not be included in the Arc World Tour, but we still get DNF Duel events from time to time.

Nen Master - DNF Duel

Source: Arc System Works

Nen Master isn’t alone in this patch. The update will also see a huge balance change to the game. Characters have had a few buffs, and there’s other changes under the hood. It’s an addition to the game that’s bringing in quite a bit of change for the fighters. A new character is always exciting too.

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