While a new tweet suggests that WWE women’s wrestler Paige is pregnant and expecting her first child with real-life boyfriend Alberto Del Rio, many doubts remain regarding the veracity of the claim. A report also suggests that the New Jersey man who posted the tweet may have some character issues, including allegedly “creepy” behavior around certain WWE Superstars.
With the new year having just started, Paige and Alberto Del Rio have once again made their way to wrestling “dirt sheets” for separate reasons. On Sunday evening, Paige tweeted a photo of an engagement ring Alberto had given her, saying that he “did it right back,” months after the 24-year-old former WWE Divas Champion proposed to Del Rio in the ring at a wrestling event in Puerto Rico.
A 2012 report from Hoboken Horse also suggests that Calicchio was the “rude” fan who got into an altercation with CM Punk at a St. Louis airport that year. Alberto Del Rio’s former WWE manager/”personal ring announcer” Ricardo Rodriguez was quoted by Bleacher Report as saying the man went from “fan mode to creepy mode to psycho mode” when supposedly harassing Punk for an autograph. The outspoken Punk reacted by throwing the fan’s autograph book into the trash.
Going back to the present, it’s worth noting that there hasn’t been any definite confirmation via Paige and Alberto Del Rio’s social media accounts that Paige is indeed pregnant. A tweet from Del Rio sarcastically called out wrestling “marks” — insider jargon for naive fans — and claimed that he is “pregnant,” and this was followed up shortly after by Paige, who retweeted Alberto’s post, calling him “my seahorse,” in reference to how male seahorses give birth.
Another possible reason to debunk the Paige pregnancy rumors is something the wrestler herself had said in an episode of Total Divas from earlier this year. Wrestling Inc. quoted that episode, where Paige suggested that due to a previous surgical operation, she may no longer be able to bear children.
An update from WrestlingNews.co has confirmed that Matt Calicchio has since deleted his tweet claiming Paige is pregnant. Additionally, PWInsider has posted a firm denial of the rumor, explaining that it may have all started from Del Rio’s “I’m pregnant” quip, but making no mention of Calicchio’s tweet.