RAW star Curt Hawkins and SmackDown wrestler Mojo Rawley have been taking some humorous shots at each other on Twitter this week. You can check out their exchange below:
I can’t stop.
— Mojo Rawley (@MojoRawleyWWE) May 19, 2017
Being an awful wrestler? Trust me, we all know. https://t.co/ZrgSoK4WUw
— Brian Myers (@TheCurtHawkins) May 19, 2017
It’s a known FACT that I was traded for @JinderMahal in the Superstar Shake Up. You might as well just hand the title over @BrockLesnar #RAW
— Brian Myers (@TheCurtHawkins) May 23, 2017
Nah brah. Everyone on @WWE #SDLive knows we traded you for Raw’s toaster oven. We also had to pay them cash to take you. @TheCurtHawkins https://t.co/s7ileomQrY
— Mojo Rawley (@MojoRawleyWWE) May 23, 2017
You literally only exist because you’re friends with @RobGronkowski #FACThttps://t.co/9vZxXQdbbb
— Brian Myers (@TheCurtHawkins) May 23, 2017
Patiently waiting…..
— Mojo Rawley (@MojoRawleyWWE) May 24, 2017
Take 2 weeks off & quit. https://t.co/RYackgubDs
— Brian Myers (@TheCurtHawkins) May 24, 2017
500 lbs maxing out the bar. Quadruple bands to maximize resistance. No music. Get the job done. #NoExcuses #JustResults #PatientlyWaiting pic.twitter.com/m8HgGTjyow
— Mojo Rawley (@MojoRawleyWWE) May 26, 2017
Hey, I’m pretty sure there’s a room with a bunch of wrestling rings at the PC. Why don’t you spend some time in there instead? ?? https://t.co/GEvlGW72Bz
— Brian Myers (@TheCurtHawkins) May 26, 2017
I do bro! You didn’t see me training in the rings?!! Or were you too busy losing on @WWENXT yesterday?!? https://t.co/dzJn4H5Fdy
— Mojo Rawley (@MojoRawleyWWE) May 26, 2017