Below are the results of ROH Final Battle:
Will Ospreay vs. Matt Taven (with TK O’Ryan and Vinny Marseglia)
Taven goes up top, gets caught and Ospreay tucks his head under, Taven stops him with his feet. Ospreay throws his feet up and boots him right in the face. Ospreay with a huge moonsault to take out the other Kingdom members. Taven with a hard dive feet-first. Action in the ring, frog splash by Taven, knees up, pin by Ospreay, two. Double kicks to the head, spanish fly, pin, two. Spinning kick to the mat land, OsCutter countered, Taven hits an arm trap headlock driver and gets the 1-2-3!
Winner: Matt Taven via Pinfall
War Machine vs. The Addiction
Everyone is just going nuts in the ring now and the ref isn’t even bothering with a count, until everybody is down, then he starts counting. Hanson with a springboard double elbow! Thor’s Hammer on Daniels, Hanson dives to the outside and takes out Kazarian. Fallout from the top rope, and that will do it.
Winners: War Machine via Pinfall
Marty Scurll vs. Jay Lethal
Lethal tries a sneaky pin, two. Lethal injection attempt, clothesline by Scurll flips Lethal upside down. Brainbuster on the knee by Scurll, pin, two. Lethal looks for the figure-four and he gets it locked in. Marty scoots his way over to a rope to break the hold. He grabs the umbrella, which Lethal then takes. Scurll with another one as the ref’s back is turned. Scurll whacks him in the neck, release piledriver, two! Crowd thought that was it and cheers away. Lethal tries for an attack with the umbrella misses, ref goes to collect the umbrella, lowblow by Lethal. Lethal injection hits, 1-2-3.
Winner: Jay Lethal via Pinfall
– Motor City Machine Guns cut a serious promo about putting the titles on the line, while we see the Best Friends have a tough time cutting an equally serious promo, laughing through each of their takes.
The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin) (c) vs. Best Friends (Beretta and Chuckie T.) (ROH Tag Team Championship Match)
Beretta able to tag in Chuckie, shoulder tackle takes down Sabin. Second rope dropkick sends Sabin outside. Chuckie with a nice flip over the top rope to take out both opponents, and he runs over for a quick hug. Dudebuster attempt, nope, superkick and sunset flip, pin, Chuckie breaks it up. He gets tossed to the outside, Sabin hits a suicide dive to Chuckie. Beretta guts out of a pin attempt, Best Friends hit a dropkick/reverse piledriver, pin, and it’s broken up.Shelley tries for sliced bread number two off the ring post. Lawn dart cutter clears him out. Best Friends grab Sabin in the ring, piledriver, Sabin rolls through and somehow gets the pin on Beretta.
Winners: The Motor City Machine Guns via pinfall and retain the ROH World Tag Team Titles
Young with a lung blower on Taylor, but King hits a spingbuster on Young. Taylor with a gutwrench slam on King, Silas jumps in and gets kneed in the face. Martinez with a springboard superman, and tries to hit a chokeslam. Taylor drops Martinez in the corner. Taylor with a second rope splash on Martinez, pin, two. Taylor looks at the ref in disbelief. Taylor heads up to the second rope and tries to bring Martinez with him, gets chopped. King hits the royal flush, Martinez with a twisting senton, pin, and Taylor is done.
Shane Taylor is eliminated.
Martinez with some huge jumping elbows in the corners on King and Young, over and over again. Martinez gets popped and kicked by both Young and King. Young lines up Martinez and hits a big body splash to the floor. Action moves to the floor before getting back in the ring, Martinez looks for a chokeslam, King hits a royal flush. Beer City Bruiser is distracting the ref, Young hits King with a beer bottle.
Kenny King is eliminated
Young spears Martinez into the barricade and drives his knee over and over into Martinez. Both back in the ring now, Young charges in, but gets a foot stomp down to the mat. Martinez with a splash into the corner, misses, Young with a kick and knee to the face. Young with more knees to the face and neck area. Martinez hulks up, spinning kick misses. Young hits misery and that will do it!
Winner: Silas Young via Pinfall to win the ROH World Television Championship
Tommy Dreamer and Bully Ray vs. The Briscoes (New York Street Fight)
Neckbreak with the chair, ouch. Jay charges into the corner and gets flipped all the way to the outside. Bully bomb blocked on Mark, powerbomb, nope. Both pick up chairs and Mark swings a home run right into Bully’s chair, which smacks him in the head. Mark picks up a table, but Bully kicks it in his face. Inverted 3D on a table by Bully and Dreamer. Dreamer puts the kendo stick between Jay’s legs and flips him over, landing on a table. Dreamer on the apron and hits a spicoli driver through a table on Jay! Bully sets a table up in the ring, and Bully with a massive splash, splinter the table, pin, two!
Bully goes to light a table on fire, gets stopped, Briscoes hit a 3D on the table, but it was pretty sloppy and the table didn’t break. Crowd boos, Briscoe up top and lands a frog splash, pin, 1-2-3.
Winners: The Briscoes via Pinfall
The Young Bucks and Adam Page vs. Dragon Lee, Titan, and Flip Gordon
Hurricanrana sends Nick down to the floor, Gordon and Matt in the ring, DDT on Dragon lee on the apron. Page and Gordon in the ring. Fast and furious action, shooting star indytaker on the floor! Gordon in the ring, punches away at Matt, pele kick to Matt. Gordon tries to fight off all three opponents with multiple chops. Gordon with a springboard backflip and triple superkick drops him. Dragon Lee and Gordon are both being held up by Page and we see a double Indytaker and that will do it.
Winners: The Young Bucks and Adam Page via Pinfall to retain the ROH World Six-Man Titles
– Post-match, Scorpio Sky (who was on commentary) goes in to check on Flip Gordon, but Sky and The Addiction (who came through the crowd) take out the champions. The three of them then flatten Gordon too. Looks like we have a new alliance between this group as they hold up the 6-man titles.
Cody (with Brandi Rhodes) vs. Dalton Castle (with The Boys) (ROH World Championship)
Cody changing things up with some blonde hair. Match gets going, Cody goes for a lowblow right off the bat, but Castle was ready for it. A few lockups with Cody, who heads outside and chases after The Boys. Castle follows, Cody heads back in, Brandi grabs Castle’s leg and Cody with a kick to Castle. Cody gets chippy with the ref, who shoves Cody down. Cody ends up getting Castle in a LeBell lock. Castle to the outside, The Boys try to fan him off. Cody throws Castle into the steps near the ramp. Cody heads to the timekeepers table, clearing out everyone who was sitting there. Cody goes to throw Castle in the ring, Castle tries for a hurricanrana, but ends up getting powerbombed into the table!
Cody goes for a chair, but The Boys take it away, Brandi climbs up to the top rope and takes out both boys! The ref has had enough of this and sends all three out of the ring. They yell and scream, but eventually head to the back. While Castle tries to recover in the ring. Castle with a nice release side suplex. Cody tries for beautiful disaster, gets caught, release northern lights by Castle.
Castle recovers and hits a german suplex on the floor, throws Cody back into the ring. Cody goes for cross rhodes, nope, Cody goes for a clothesline, but ends up hitting the referee. Castle locks in a submission inthe middle of the ring and Cody is tapping out, but the ref is out! Castle tries for bang-a-rang, Cody reverses and hits cross rhodes, pin, 1-2-no! Commentary saying he’s the first to kick out of that. Cody nails another beautiful disaster. Bang-a-rang hits, pin, and he gets the win! Crowd pops big in shock. Wow!
Winner: Dalton Castle via Pinfall to win the ROH World Championship