– Will Ferrara recently spoke with Wrestling Epicenter, here are the highlights-
On Ring of Honor being the number two promotion in the US: “I think it is undisputed now that Ring of Honor is the number two company in this country. Quite possibly globally with our relationship with New Japan [Pro Wrestling]. It is really fun to be a part of it. It took a while for me to find my stride with Ring of Honor. It was like, ‘Oh man, I need to hang with these guys, these international superstars!’ I still feel like I’m catching up, because everyone keeps getting better month by month, show by show. The product as a whole just keeps getting better. It is cool to be a part of that because it forces you to get better just to hang – to stay afloat, you know? It doesn’t feel like it has already been three years. But, it has. I want to stay with Ring of Honor for my immediate future. My goal is to keep rising up!”
On ROH versus GFW in growth potential: “I don’t know anything about GFW. I have zero experience working there. But I know as far as Ring of Honor, we’ve been growing at a steady pace. I think that steady growth is better than sprinting and declining here and there. We have nothing but room to grow. We’ve been maintaining and growing. I think we’ve got all the tools and all the stars lined up to make sure we keep doing that.”
On CM Punk having an open door to return to ROH: “I think that would be great. He was one of the biggest stars in the world a few years back. I know he’s been out of the game, but I think both parties could benefit if he decides to do that. From my perspective, I’m all game!”