As noted that the real reason Stone Cold Steve Austin was backstage at “Hell in a Cell” on Sunday. That reason was to talk to Ryback and Arn Anderson specifically and do interviews for the “Stone Cold Podcast”. Austin did an interview with Ryback, and it has revealed some critical information about Ryback’s contract with WWE. You can listen to the interview right here.
During the interview, Stone Cold brought up how some of the top WWE Superstars have their own tour buses that help them live more comfortably on the road while traveling from WWE event to the next event. These tour buses have been known as spectacular investments in assisting with burnout of wrestlers but also prolonging careers by at least a few years.
In response, Ryback stated that his WWE contract is set to expire next year, so he is currently in contract negotiations with WWE brass about the possibility of getting a tour bus, and other perks of a top WWE Superstar. In the podcast, Ryback would go into specific detail on how he handles his money and taxes.
It seems like a no-brainer for both sides to agree to terms and sign a new contract by the time Ryback’s contract is up next year. The question is how valuable is Ryback to WWE’s future. Unfortunately, most of that detail falls under the blanket of WWE corporate and details will be scarce.
More Information will be updated as per the information available.