
Serena Deeb Gives Her Opinion On NWA Women’s Champion Kamille, Details Reunion With CM Punk In AEW


AEW star Serena Deeb recently participated in a Q&A on AdFree Shows, where the Professor gave her thoughts on current NWA women’s champion Kamille, as well as detailed her first interactions with CM Punk since working with him over 12 years ago in WWE. Highlights are below.

On NWA women’s champion Kamille:

“I haven’t watched a lot of recent stuff to be honest, and that’s simply because I’m so busy. I love NWA. I love so many people there and I support what they’re doing, but I haven’t seen a lot of recent stuff so it’s hard to comment on that, however, I think the work ethic is there. Sometimes with wrestling, the mind has to catch up to the body. She’s obviously physically able to do all of these things, but it takes the mind some time. It’s different for every person. We’ve been in COVID for two years, so a lot of that regular training and stuff has been really limited. I know even leading up to our match, I think she was training as much as possible, but COVID had its limitations. I think once things open up, there’s more freedom, and the world gets back to normalcy, I think it will click for her, but like I said, it takes time.”

Details her reunion with CM Punk backstage:

“I haven’t seen or spoken to him in 10, 11, or 12 years. We obviously both went in these different directions and had all these different life changes. We both grew up a lot.I remember the first time I saw him, it was like, hey, we’re cool. Everything’s great. Here we are at AEW together. We had a moment where we both had things to say to each other, like personal things to say to each other that were both well received. We gave each other a big hug and now I’m so happy he’s there, and I would love to do something with him there. I truly would.”

(H/T and transcribed by WrestlingNews.Co)

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