Source: The Sun
The Sun caught up with Seth Rollins, who was recently announced as the cover star for the WWE 2K18 video game. Below are a couple of highlights from the interview:
Possibility of Shield Reunion:
“I’m sure it could happen at some point, you never know. We’re all on our own page and have one goal in mind, like we did before. We’ve all got our individual goals now. It would take something very special to get all three of us back together with a singular goal. That was the focus before, and the reason we came together to begin with, we had a singular goal to make waves. Now we’re on our own, with our own individual goals, so who knows, never say never, but the good thing is I see all of us being around for a long time. There will always be the possibility of us coming back together and slapping on a tac vest.”
Being intrigued by potential of Shield versus Club rivalry:
“A Club versus Shield rivalry interests me, for sure. Those are guys who have made a lot of success over the years in there own world. I think that would be a fantasy warfare. Those are all good gentlemen, hardworking guys. We’d have a blast in the ring, we could make some magic if it ever came down to it.”