Yesterday we asked, who you thought will win the upcoming Fatal 5-Way Extreme Rules match between Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt, Seth Rollins, Samoa Joe, and Finn Balor. Although the answers were all over, Finn Balor ended up getting the most votes. Many of you felt no matter who won (maybe, minus Reigns) it wouldn’t matter because none of them are going to beat Brock. In second was Reigns, because that seemed like the obvious pick with the rest of the Superstars relatively even in the voting.
Thanks to everyone who responded, here are some of the top comments:
Eli Cuervo:
“I think Finn is taking it and it’d be cool to see that match-up. I’m curious to see what story they’ll tell and how WWE will protect the Demon gimmick even though it’s going against Brock Lesnar. Might a be a little dumb to see “The Demon” lose so soon when they haven’t made the most of marketing him, but we’ll see. I always use this example, but that classic Taker/Jeff match is something I’d love to see recreated today and if Paul’s promo was an example, they can keep that up with Balor having to earn Brock’s respect through their match.”
“Anyone, but Balor.”
“I think they will swerve all of us and go with Reigns and then have him beat Lesnar at the next PPV. The WWE knows they cannot survive a full year of not having their main Raw title around so I think they will pull the Reigns vs Lesnar II trigger sooner rather than later. Plus, having a heel Reigns (and he is a heel based on his reactions) carry the belt into WM is a better plan. I’ve been saying forever that a heel Reigns to chase would give the WWE an opportunity to really build up some new face characters and in the right way.”
“Finn will win. Weeks later he’ll get randomly destroyed by a returning Strowman. Then, Braun will get the shot for SummerSlam.”